Drink This, Lose Weight, Repeat
By Drinking "Red Water" You Can:
- Thin Out Your "Digestive Bile" & Drop Up To 1/2lb a Day
- Increase Your Fat-Burning Metabolism By Up to 53%
- Flush Away Belly Fat Daily
- Naturally Grow Thicker Hair and Nails
- Flush Out Heavy Metals, Toxins, Bacteria, Viruses, and Parasites From the Body
I want to lose 15 pounds overnight...
That's what my wife texted me after she binged on our kid's halloween candy late one night...
After a long day of screaming kids, a lack of exercise, and generally feeling "run down", she was at her breaking point.
I tried to make her feel better, but it didn't really work.
That's what happens when you want something so bad...
..and then you fall off the wagon...
Luckily, in one of my wife's lowest moments...
I stumbled upon a breakthrough.
If You Want To Lose 15 Pounds in the Next 2 Weeks, I'm Going to Share a Simple Secret To Do Just That
It's something that you probably haven't tried before...
It's a "water trick" that helps break down fats in the body...
While removing toxins and increasing your fat-burning metabolism.
This is something that will help you whether you're 40 years old or 80.
It works really fast...
It doesn't require any expensive organic foods or starving yourself...
And while this method is 100% all-natural...
It only requires one quick trip to the grocery store.
You Can Make this "Red Water" Right at Home...
...usually in about 60 seconds or less.
You can make a huge batch that lasts all day...
So you can sip it here and there, whenever you're thirsty, to speed up slimming.
Women all over the world have already tested this...
In fact, I had a "beta test group" where the results were so incredible...
...like 13 pounds lost in just 15 days, that I wasn't able to keep this "red water" under wraps anymore.
However, before I get to that...
I want you to pay close attention.
Most of what I talk about here can't be found in any traditional diet program...
Your doctor probably doesn't know much about it...
In fact, since it's "under the radar", we can just pretend it's our little secret.
Then, when it works for you, you can share it with all your friends.
But first, there's something you must know...
Hi, My Name is Derek...
And Harvard Medical just discovered an unusual digestive glitch that makes it almost impossible for women and men over 40 to burn belly fat…
Forcing foods you think are healthy to be stored as squishy fat around your belly, heart, and lungs…
However, the real reason I want to tell you this is because this same digestive disorder almost forced my baby girl to grow up without a dad…
And nearly left my pregnant wife struggling all alone to raise our family without a husband…

You see, just a short while ago...
This deadly spark struck out of nowhere and before I knew it I was face down in a hotel bathroom, barely able to breathe, drenched in puddles of sweat, screaming in agony…
My organs being crushed inside my body, minutes from going unconscious…
Only to wind up in a San Diego emergency room, under the knife for 6 hours...
While my wife was back home in Wisconsin, pregnant with our first baby girl.
All thanks to a strange "digestive defect" that hit my body without warning while I was asleep one night…
Leaving me hospitalized with tubes up my nose for 11 days, unable to eat or drink a thing, praying I would make it out alive.
Only to discover a little-known study from Harvard Medical School…
…that uncovered a sneaky digestive glitch that 80% of women and men over 40 suffer from that makes it impossible to burn even a single pound of belly fat…
And is the single reason why obesity is such a catastrophic problem killing the world every single day…
Being solely responsible for layers of fat piling up around your heart, smothering your lungs, and suffocating your arteries until they ultimately shut down…
And if you reach down right now and feel a roll of fat around your belly,
You have the symptoms of this unusual GI glitch that signals your body to store fat and never burn it off no matter how healthy you eat or how hard you exercise…
In just a minute, I’ll share every last detail from the breakthrough Harvard study that I discovered while laying motionless in my hospital bed...
Fighting back tears as my 7-month pregnant wife was stuck at home halfway across the country, unable to be by my side…
And I’ll also share with you a NEW breakthrough morning fat loss loophole that’ll eliminate this deadly fat-storing fluid once and for all…
While activating a rare fat-burning cycle deep within your DNA that forces your body burn 20% more fat every single day in just minutes without sweaty exercise…
The Same Morning Loophole that Flushed Away 13 pounds of Fat in just 15 days for Iwona Stoklosa…
A Single Mom who was Busy Juggling a Career While Raising Her Daughter All Alone
To eventually burn off 10.5 inches from her belly and waist when nothing worked for her before…

And then there's Debra...
...who along with her husband lost just under 15 pounds in a matter of weeks.
But what's even better is...
Her daughter and grandchildren noticed their healthy eating habits...
And asked what they were doing.
While eating this way has HUGE benefits for you when it comes to weight loss and fat burning...
To me, what's even cooler is the positive effect it can have on those you love.

I Still Can't Believe the Folks at Harvard Medical Kept This a Secret For So Long...
Especially since the information here in this letter can help you:
- Lose Up To 1/2 Pound a Day
- Get Your Pre-Menopause Body Back
- Lose Inches Off Your Waist, Midsection & Legs
- Get Rid Of Your Belly, Hips & Thighs
- Drop Up To 35 Pounds of Fat
It’s those soulless cowards who forced me to take such drastic action after pulling the lid off this Harvard study…
…It burns a hole in my heart because my own Mom has been duped by the diet industry for years going back to when I was just a little boy…
You see, I’ve spoken at a number of different health and nutrition seminars and just got done speaking to over 1,000 people at the Fitness Business Summit in California.

However, it wasn’t until recently that I came across this breakthrough fat loss loophole that’ll work for anyone at any age who loves to eat and hates dieting…
So don’t worry…
What I’m about to share with you here in this short presentation may sound too good to be true…
However, it’s all backed by science, doctor-led research and personal experience…
And I can guarantee after seeing my own mom being ripped off by the diet fad companies right before my eyes, I made an ethical vow to help as many people as possible so you never have to feel the pain and fight back the tears like she did so many times…
What I’m about to show you is so simple, and so easy, you’ll be jumping for joy like a kid on Christmas morning now that you’ll finally be able to strip away every last ounce of fat that’s been hiding the “real you” for far too long…
You’ll probably get angry and extremely upset when I reveal the lies doctors and nutritionists have been telling you for years…
I got my hands on this secret Harvard study while fighting for my life after having emergency stomach and intestine surgery that came out of nowhere in the middle of the night without warning…
As I mentioned before, my name is Derek.
And here I am with my daughter Elena…
Who’s birth I almost missed after being rushed to the emergency room out of nowhere that left me fighting for my life when I should have been home helping my pregnant wife get ready for our first bundle of joy…
See, I was out in San Diego at an elite fitness conference…
When I woke up just after midnight in my hotel room with a severe pain in my stomach…

A Pain so Unbearable, it Felt Like Someone Punched Me in the Gut and Was Trying to Rip the Organs Right Out of My Body.
And after fighting it for 6 hours hoping it would pass...
Leaving me almost lifeless on my hotel bathroom floor…
I was rushed to the emergency room where I went through dozens of x-rays, tests, and CAT Scans…
And even had 6 different doctors and specialists look at me, each one leaving more confused than the last…
Finally, as I had my hands over my face, rolling back and forth in my hospital bed in extreme pain, they did one last test…
After the doctor forced me to drink a gallon of water, they rushed me down for one last CAT Scan, and that’s where they caught it…
My colon had rotated in my body, crushing all my organs in it’s path.
My bowels were shutting down and with no time to act, I was rushed into surgery to have my stomach cut wide open…
I Still Remember Grabbing My Cell Phone and Desperately Calling My Mom…
Who was back home thousands of miles away, and breaking the horrible news. She broke down balling as the nurse grabbed the phone away from me and quickly prepped me for surgery.
6 hours later I woke up with tubes up my nose, a 10-inch scar from my chest down past my belly button, unable to move my own legs.
It felt like I was paralyzed, and over the next 11 days I was hooked up to these gigantic machines while learning how to walk again, afraid that I’d never live a normal life.
And all this happened even though I thought I was eating healthy.
I was exercising regularly, and I was running my own fitness boot camp helping hundreds of men and women in my community lose 10, 20, even 50+ pounds.
It wasn’t until I learned about these horrible diet myths and the shocking digestive “glitch” that’s been crippling millions of people (especially women) for years that it all started to make sense.
I was stuck in my hospital bed for 23 and a half hours a day, only to get up for 15 minutes every morning and afternoon to practice walking…
You see, since my body was in shambles and my legs no longer worked like they used to, I had to force myself to walk in order to avoid forming blood clots in my legs that could turn fatal…
And after I told the nurses what I do for a living, helping people discover their true self through rapid and permanent weight loss, a kind young doctor named Lindsay broke the bad news…
She said I had a condition known as Fat Oxidation Syndrome.
And the most extreme cases lead to the organ issues I was experiencing first hand, however…

Most milder versions simply mean your body doesn’t break down the food you eat properly which can not only lead to a host of horrible digestive issues…
It also transports all your food directly into your fat cells instead of being burned up for energy, so everything you eat is stored as fat and it’s why so many women and men struggle to lose weight even if you’re eating plenty of fruits and green veggies.
After the initial shock wore off, the doctor came back in and delivered a crushing blow that struck deep in my heart...
She said even though I was just 30 years old, I had the digestive system of a 70 year old. After asking how that was possible, she asked if I had ever heard of “digestive bile”.
I looked at her with a blank stare, confused like an underachieving student on their first day of chemistry class…
Think of a Sink Filled with Messy Dishes and Pans after a BIG Breakfast of Bacon, Eggs, and Sausage that Left Layers of Grease and Grime Behind...
To break down the grease, you’re going to need some high quality dish soap, right?
You can’t just scrub it off with a dry paper towel or a worn down dish rag…
It’s the same thing in your body.
In order to break down the nutrients and vitamins from your food…
So they can be used for energy instead of being stored around your belly and thighs as fat, your body must be able to break them down.
Digesting a meal without bile is like trying to wash a greasy pan without any dish soap.
And it’s something that no one talks about even though it’s making 80% of women and men all over the world FATTER according to the doctors at Harvard.
That’s 4 out of 5 people!
Where every last ounce of food you eat is stored as fat, no matter if you’re eating cheeseburgers and fries, or a huge salad with tons of veggies.
None of it is being used by your body and it’s why you’ve been stuck in this vicious weight loss cycle for years where you can never lose more than a few pounds at a time which you end up gaining right back in a few weeks anyways.
And after my nurse broke the bad news, she handed me an article from Harvard that proved every last word she said was right.
According to the Harvard Study...
80% of Women over 40 suffer from "Thick Bile"
Your body stores everything you eat as pure fat because your thick, sludge-like digestive juices can’t break it down properly, no matter how “healthy” the food is…
Who would have thought some liquid that no one knows about in your belly is the magic key to losing as much weight as you desire?
And researchers at Tampere University Hospital in Finland discovered that people with this digestive glitch are 7 times more likely to suffer from hyperthyroidism because all your fat is being stored inside your cells, forcing your belly to balloon up and bulge out even if you eat plenty of fruits and veggies every day…

You see, as we age, everyday toxins and free radicals surround our every move, build up in our body and become trapped in our digestive juices, making it THICK, congested, and unable to flow freely…
This gunky sludge, along with excess estrogen in women from giving birth, using cosmetics, and ingesting food additives forces it to get stuck in your intestines…
Trapping in thousands of toxins and free radicals while your food never fully digests, only to be shuttled to your belly, butt, and arms to be stored as fat instead of being burned up for energy.
However, the One Saving Grace is You Can Reverse this Simple GI “Glitch” and Rapidly BOOST Your Fat-Burning Metabolism by 53%
With a few simple tricks that do NOT include long, exhausting workouts or extreme dieting and could be the difference between you storing every last calorie that passes your lips as fat or watching the weight melt off your belly, thighs, and face week after week without ever breaking a sweat…
I was ashamed and appalled because for years I was telling people that as long as they ate healthier and exercised more they would be able to lose as much weight as they desire.
It’s like everything I had learned and studied for years was dead wrong.
And worse of all I was helpless laying in a hospital bed forced to deal with my anger and shame while being shot up with pain killers every hour just to make it through the night.
11 days later, after having the staples removed from my stomach and the tubes pulled out of my nose, I was finally discharged and able to fly back home to Wisconsin.

I hadn’t seen my wife in weeks, who was 7-months pregnant and full of stress and anxiety waiting on pins and needles to see if I’d pull through and be there for the birth of our first baby girl...
And although I tried talking to her on the phone from my hospital bed, I always broke down and cried my eyes out feeling the pain of leaving her all alone, hundreds of thousands of miles away, feeling helpless like I let our family down.
That’s the scary part, after being in the hospital and seeing so many people in their 30’s, 40’s, and 50’s…
Who should be out enjoying their lives to the fullest only to be struck down out of nowhere with diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and even heart failure showed how fragile the human life is and how it can be taken away from you and I at any minute…

After finally making it home and kissing my wife on the forehead as she sobbed tears of joy that everything was okay…
I came to the realization that I’d be spending the next 6 weeks in bed...
You see, my rehab program consisted of plenty of bed rest, and even sitting up straight caused my tender scars to bleed because it put too much pressure on my stomach lining…
So as I followed my doctor’s orders and got plenty of rest, I was knee deep in research from the breakthrough Harvard study…
I thought to myself…
Maybe this was why millions of people are overweight and can’t do anything about it…
It’s not your genetics, it’s not because you’re lazy and don’t “want it bad enough”, and it’s definitely not because you’re unwilling to put in the work…
You can’t lose weight no matter how hard you try because of a unknown digestive glitch that shuttles every single calorie you eat straight into your fat cells to balloon up your belly no matter how healthy you eat…
You’re the Victim of a Digestive Disorder that’s Common in 80% of Men and Women Over 40 that No One EVER Told You About
Until now.
I blame the doctors and the gluten-free gurus who must have known this information for decades and kept it under wraps so they could keep charging you more money prescribing pills and weight loss plans that never solve the true problem so you always have to come back for more as they laugh all the way to the bank…
Looking back, all the popular “extreme” workout infomercials that make you feel like a slob if you’re not willing to jump all over your living room, sweating bullets, while your knees and ankles buckle under the pressure from too much impact on your aching joints…
And the diet plans making you feel guilty if you actually want to enjoy yourself and have some chocolate, or a scoop of ice cream on a warm summer day…

Instead of eating out of some colored containers or counting points for every morsel of food that passes your lips…
When in reality none of that matters when your body is primed to store fat every single minute of the day because your belly bile is all out of whack from years of neglect.
It’s like putting a Band-Aid on a gunshot wound hoping that will be enough to ease the pain only to realize you’re leading yourself to an early grave.
Instead, with a few simple switches and some “red water”, you can fix the problem deep down in your belly once and for all that will allow you to effortlessly burn off every last stubborn pound of fat off your body…
Revealing a flat belly that’s firm to the touch as you melt away as much weight as you desire while living your life to the fullest and transforming yourself into the fit and trim superstar you were born to be as you set an amazing example for your children.
And while the weight continues to fall off week after week, you’ll also notice your hair getting thicker and more full, with fewer head and body aches and better mental clarity.

Your memory fog will be gone as your energy levels soar with your body ready to take on whatever the day has to throw at you.
And the good news is, it’s easier than ever to see an amazing body transformation, like Anne, who lost 12.5 inches off her belly and thighs.

Or Erin, who lost 6 inches off her belly and waist, another 2 and a half off her thighs, and got down to 138 pounds for the first time in years while finally fitting back into her skinny jeans.

Burning off every last inch of stress fat that has been piling up over the years because of your high pressure job, raising your children, and being in charge at home that takes a toll on your body and can even take years off your life.
And what I personally found when helping over 10,000 people across the world with my strange yet effective online weight loss methods, is that…
Popular “Fat-Burning” Exercises like Burpees, Running, and Even Using the Elliptical Machine are Actually Terrible for Your Body
And Put Way Too Much Stress and Tension on Your Tendons and Bones
And I discovered that over half the people I worked with suffered from inflammation in their gut that spread to their chest and legs, caused by eating a handful of veggies that create a fire in your belly instead of slimming you down…
And don’t worry, I’ll share those dangerous veggies with you in a minute because they could be creating dangerous belly bacteria that are feeding on your internal organs as we speak…
So all along they were doing the right thing and filling their plate with veggies only to discover that the inflammation was so strong it created a toxic environment that killed their metabolism and forced them to get fatter the healthier they ate through no fault of their own.

However, with a few simple changes to their diet…
Like adding in a refreshing Alkaline drink first thing in the morning, sipping on a special detox drink throughout the day as you drive your kids around, sit at work or even while you watch TV…

My clients were losing weight faster than ever while enjoying delicious food like warm waffles in the morning and never going hungry for a single minute…
Combine that with the morning fat loss loophole I discovered from a doctor-led study in the prestigious British Journal of Nutrition, that shined the light on a magical time of day…
Known as your Metabolism Window where your body naturally burns 20% more belly fat and uses your stored fat for fuel to melt away your muffin top once and for all…
All by doing a few simple low-impact movements where you won’t even break a sweat to lose 10, 20, even 50+ pounds while saving your knees, ankles, and joints all by taking advantage of this magical time of day where your body is primed to burn more fat…
And I was amazed that no one else had heard of these fat loss loopholes that could end obesity forever…
And as my clients were happier than ever to continue losing weight week after week from the comfort of their own home without sweating in a dirty germ filled gym and depriving themselves of the food they loved…
I felt like I was finally starting to make a difference as people who could never lose a single pound were finally starting to see amazing results.
Like Rachel, who said…

However, the ultimate test came when I had to use these breakthrough weight loss strategies on myself…
See, before I was discharged from the hospital, I had to meet with a nutritionist to discuss what I could and could not eat following surgery.
My bowels were still very weak and my digestive system was out of whack, so I couldn’t process fiber or other healthy nutrients. It was simply too much work for my organs to handle.
So for the next 8 weeks, I wasn’t allowed to eat a single fruit or vegetable.
I was banned from eating healthy fats like almonds and walnuts, and greens like spinach, lettuce, and broccoli because they were too “rough” and my body couldn’t handle them.
In fact, the nutritionist told me to eat lots of white bread, pasta, macaroni and cheese, even burgers, pizza, and ice cream because they were simple foods that my body could break down.
And over the next few months, I put on A LOT of weight…
I began feeling lethargic, lazy, and completely unmotivated to do anything. Even my daily walks around the block felt like running a marathon and my self-esteem was at an all time low.
I didn’t even want to leave the house because I was so embarrassed of the person I had become, even though it was all under doctors orders and I was simply following directions so I could eventually be normal again someday soon.
And I knew exactly how my clients felt who came to me with tears in their eyes, tired of living a life feeling left out, excluded, and ashamed to go out in public.
So as most fitness experts never have the slightest clue what you’re going through because they’ve always been in amazing shape with perfect genetics and could never understand how you truly feel…
I was finally able to connect with my clients on a much deeper level because I knew exactly how they were feeling everyday and how easy it is to feel lethargic where even a few minutes of exercise feels like climbing a mountain.
The truth is, the fitness industry has intentionally made “losing weight” seem extremely complicated for years…
Because if you knew how simple it actually is, by taking advantage of these tricks I’m showing you in this very presentation, you would stop paying their expensive fees and personal trainers would no longer be able to charge you $100 per hour even though most of them don’t even have a degree and aren’t certified instead opting to get some cheap credentials at a weekend course that anyone can pass.

They don’t want you to know that the extreme joint killing workouts, and the millions of diet strategies out there are all completely useless because they’re too complicated to stick with long term and never deliver permanent results.
That’s why I made it my mission to make things as simple as possible knowing that if you can dedicate 5 minutes in the morning for a few simple joint-friendly movements…
Along with flushing the fat right out of your body with a secret “red water” that takes the gunky, sludge-like fat-storing fluid in your body and turns it into a fat-burning flow…
That burns up all the food you eat for energy instead of storing every last calorie that passes your lips as fat on your belly, around your heart, and on your thighs…
So you can lose as much weight as you desire without ever struggling or feeling frustrated and hopeless again while you show off your new tight and trim body to the world.
And if you’re ever struggled to lose even just a few pounds, where nothing works and your willpower goes out the window after a day or two, then you have to know one thing…
It’s NOT your fault.
You’ve been fed so many lies over the years, like counting calories, avoiding carbs, and eating “clean” are the keys to FAST fat loss…
Or that high intensity interval training and working out so hard that you almost collapse on the ground afterwards from exhaustion are the only ways to lose weight and get the fit and trim body you’ve always wanted, however….
The truth is…
The Strange Secret to Turning Your Body Into a Fat-Burning Machine 24/7 Instead of Hanging on to Every Last Ounce of Fat for Dear Life is a Little Known Digestive Juice in your Body that Controls EVERYTHING
And since no one has ever told you this before, how are you expected to lose weight and keep it off when everything the “experts” have been telling you is dead wrong?
That’s why you shouldn’t be so hard on yourself.
I know how frustrating and discouraging it can be when you think you’re doing everything right…
Yet you don’t see any results and then you finally get to the point where a big juicy cheeseburger or a huge bowl of ice cream sounds so much better than struggling through another day on some crappy diet that isn’t producing any real results anyways…
You simply didn’t have this underground information that’ll finally allow you to get the slim and trim body you deserve without wasting hundreds of dollars or suffering through another hungry night where you can’t fall asleep because your stomach is rumbling like an airplane about to take off from the runway…
Which is why you should never listen to the fitness “experts” on TV or the latest doctor who got his own TV show…

Who only cares about getting higher ratings and more endorsements rather than actually helping you lose weight so you can fit back into your jeans from high school and never have to hide in your home on another Saturday night because you’re ashamed to be seen out in public.
Listen, I truly want to help you and to make this article as informative as possible, so…
Here Are the 3 Things You Must Absolutely AVOID At All Costs to Slim Down and Flatten Your Belly FASTER
First, you must avoid doing the high impact workouts that ruin your back, knees, ankles, and joints and leave you in so much pain you’re not able to exercise for weeks or even months as the weight continues to pile on.
All the jumping and lunging you see on these popular home workout DVD’s are a recipe for disaster and they’re the main reason why so many people get injured and have to suffer through long days with excruciating pain.

Second, you must AVOID counting calories because not only does it put your body in starvation mode by going on some ultimate low calorie diet created by an ex-fitness model who starved herself skinny…

It also subconsciously tells your mind that food is bad and should be avoided when the reality is your body needs MORE of the belly slimming super-nutrients, anti-aging antioxidants, essential vitamins, and minerals you only get by eating MORE.
And finally, you must AVOID relying on green vegetables to be the miracle cure that’ll finally melt away the stubborn fat suffocating your heart, lungs, and arteries at this very moment…
Because no amount of “healthy foods” will matter if your body is taking every calorie you eat and storing it as fat around your belly, arms, and butt when your digestive “glitch” is out of whack…
And there’s an 80% chance that it is thanks to the research from Harvard Medical which isn’t some crappy community college looking for publicity.
This is the top university in the entire world and their research will save your life…
If you’re currently doing anything that I just mentioned…you’re creating a toxic environment in your body full of inflammation and it’s why dropping a single measly pound of belly fat so difficult.
Most doctors and fitness trainers have been preaching this “advice” for years, making you feel guilty if you aren’t in the gym busting your butt in a huge puddle of sweat every single day….
Or you’ll come across those annoying pictures on Facebook or Instagram that says something absurd like “1 hour is only 4% of your day” and if you can’t find time to workout it’s your own fault making you feel guilty that your priories are out of whack or you “don’t want it bad enough”…
However, if all this “advice” and “pump you up” motivation actually worked then why is over half the world still overweight? And even worse, why is one-third of the world obese?
NO ONE has Bothered to Tell You the Slimming Secret Behind Burning Up All Your Stored Fat for Fuel and Strategically Stripping Away the Extra Pounds Week After Week Without Fail…
…actually has to do with your digestive juices and taking advantage of a little known fat loss loophole in the morning before breakfast that revs up your metabolism, and…
Allows your body to burn 20% more fat every single day in just 5 minutes with a few simple low-impact movements you can do in your living room without even breaking a sweat.

And after testing out these simple yet powerful fat-burning methods and “red water” recipe on my personal clients along with myself, with the average fat loss being 5 pounds in the first 7 days and a half an inch off your belly…
I knew I had to get this in the hands of as many people as possible…
Especially after my horrible host of health issues that almost took me away from my wife and newborn daughter leaving them abandoned and alone…
And as horrible as that 6-month stretch was, it made me appreciate every single breath I take and every day that I’m alive because it can all be taken away from you at any moment…
After all, I was in the best shape of my life and felt better than ever before this near fatal nightmare struck me in my sleep out of nowhere…
Almost taking me away from my wife and baby girl decades too soon.
And the same thing can happen to you if you fall victim from a sudden heart attack or stroke after years of neglecting your body and health…
Which is why there is no time to waste and it’s why I’m so passionate about getting these cutting edge tips and tricks into your hands immediately…
So you never have to spend a single night in a hospital bed, tears rolling down your face, as you panic and wonder if your kids, spouse, and the people who love you the most will ever hear your voice again.
It’s a truly awful feeling that I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy…
And it’s why I quit my corporate desk job because even saving one person’s life is worth so much more than some big salary and a bunch of benefits that don’t truly matter when you’re breathing your last breaths and your life flashes before your eyes.
I want you to be healthy and vibrant with endless amounts of energy so you can give your kids and your parents the love they deserve as you spend more time making lifelong memories that you’ll never forget…
Just imagine having the slim and sexy body with a belly that’s firm to the touch and gives you a supreme sense of self-confidence, so you don’t have to keep hiding behind baggy clothes or camp out in your home afraid to go out and public and be seen by the world for what you are, which is a beautiful person with endless potential…
And more than ever, I want you to be the super-human role model that your kids adore and look up to while you set an amazing example that will ultimately add decades onto THEIR lives with the healthy habits you instill in them no matter how old they are…
That’s why I put together these never-before-seen Flat Belly Secrets into an easy to use step-by-step blueprint so you never have to waste another minute reading some bogus information online while you pull your hair out trying to figure out what’s the truth and what’s a bold face lie.
I want to see you with a flatter belly starting tomorrow while your confidence soars as you start fitting into old jeans and dresses that you haven’t been able to squeeze into in years…
And in a few short weeks they’ll become too baggy and you’ll get to go out and buy a whole new wardrobe as a gift to yourself to celebrate the new you...
And as the weight and belly fat continues to fall off week after week without fail even though you haven’t really changed your diet, your risk of deadly diseases as you age will go down dramatically so you can live your older years worry free as your kids and eventually your grandkids can enjoy as much time as possible with you making memories that they’ll remember forever.
And to make this as easy and simple as possible for you…
I’ve laid out a step-by-step blueprint, where you’ll discover the EXACT herbs, spices, oils, and “red water” drinks you should consume at specific times throughout the day to reverse your digestive glitch and strip away every last ounce of fat sticking to your body at this very moment…

And the great news is, you can even CHEAT and have a piping hot pizza, a double cheeseburger with greasy French fries, or a big fudge brownie the size of your hand and AVOID having it be stored as fat as long as you follow the simple 60-second protocol inside the blueprint before you eat….
That’s how I personally eat a big bowl of ice cream, pepperoni pizza, and chocolate chip cookies every week without gaining an ounce of fat…
It works even if you have bad genetics like Promise and Iwona, and the good news is…
- You’ll never have to count calories again…
- You’ll never have to obsess over carbs and cut them out completely in hopes of losing a few measly pounds that always end up coming back…
- And you’ll never have to jeopardize your knees, ankles, shoulders, and back doing some insane high intensity workout DVD that cripples your body and ruins your joints forever, after all…
This Simple Fat Flushing Formula Unlocks and Activates Your Natural Fat-Burning Cycles While Reversing All the Issues With Your Digestive Juices
And turns them from a thick, sludge like liquid that clogs your belly and forces food directly to your fat cells to be stored away as your belly gets bigger day after day and you have no idea why…
To a fat-melting miracle that burns off every last pound of frustrating fat so you can finally see the real you hidden deep down inside that was meant to have a positive impact on the world.
You won’t find this cutting-edge information anywhere else and most “experts” don’t even know about it yet…
And when you add these extremely simple steps to your daily routine that only take a few minutes…
You’ll start seeing your belly get firmer and tighter almost instantly as you feel lighter every morning when you wake up with a huge smile on your face excited to start your day.
As I mentioned earlier…
The Breakthrough Study in the Prestigious British Journal of Nutrition Followed Two Groups of People…
Group A did a short burst workout in the morning BEFORE eating anything….
Group B did a short burst workout in the morning AFTER eating breakfast…
And the crazy thing is…
Group A who did a few simple movements before eating in the morning burned 20% MORE fat than the group who exercised after eating….
That’s because when you sleep, your body is flooded with fat-burning hormones that continue to flow throughout your body and burn up fat until you have something to eat.
The minute you eat anything, production of these fat-shrinking hormones STOP and your body produces insulin instead.
The thing is, your body can only produce ONE of these hormones at a time. It’s either your #1 fat-burning super hormone (also known as growth hormone), or it’s insulin.
And as your sleeping, your body has burned through all the food and calories you ate the night before.
So when you do a few simple movements in your “Metabolism Window” each morning…
Your Body Naturally Uses Your Stored Fat for Fuel Instead of Carbs So You Burn Pure Fat Right Off Your Belly, Thighs, and Arms
It’s why this “Metabolism Window” first thing in the morning is so important…
Because you can literally transform your body and shrink your belly in just 5 minutes by taking advantage of this rapid fat loss loophole that not many people know about.
However, you can’t do just any exercise during your “Metabolism Window” to burn 20% more fat…

Things like running, using the elliptical, and even lifting weights will NOT produce the same results and could actually leave you injured and stuck on the couch as more belly fat begins to pile back on…
There’s a specific Metabolic Activation protocol you must use in order to ignite your fat-burning hormones without tearing apart your joints or throwing out your back…
And don’t worry, you won’t have to do any dangerous jumping exercises or extreme high impact workouts that kill your knees and tear apart your tendons
All you need is a series of low impact movements that sculpt and tone your muscles while stripping away fat at the same time...
Thanks to a secret slimming sequence that activates your fat-burning metabolism FASTER than running, lifting weights, or paying hundreds of dollars a month for an expensive personal trainer who got his degree in some weekend certification held in some guy’s garage.
These low-impact movements can be done by ANYONE, at ANY age, in ANY physical condition in just 5-minutes to peel yours off your age…
…while slimming your belly and toning your arms and thighs without leaving you feeling exhausted or bulky like most workouts do.

And I Couldn’t Live with Myself if I Didn’t Share the ONE Secret that’s More Important than ANYTHING I’ve Talked About in this Action Packed Article…
See, millions of women and men worldwide have layers of Stress Fat smothering your heart, lungs, and belly that you may not even know about...
It’s when the pressures of your job, your busy life, and your family lead to fat piling up around your organs and belly that’s extremely dangerous…
And it’s especially common in parents who are trying to juggle raising a child with all the demands from their jobs while still trying to have a life…
And as you become more stressed, your body releases a fat-storing stress hormone called cortisol…
Which is why you crave sugary foods like chocolate or even salty foods like potato chips and French fries…

And the more stressed you become, the more Stress Fat builds up around your heart, lungs, and belly…
Creating a thick and dense wall of fat that rests on your organs and applies extreme and unrelenting pressure as your heart fights to tick another beat…
The good news is, when you start doing these 5-minute low impact movements during your morning Metabolism Window…
Combined with the fat-flushing “red water” recipe, your body de-stresses and the pressures from your everyday life go away as every last ounce of Stress Fat is burned off and used for energy instead...
Even better, your cravings and “stress eating” almost instantly disappear and you’ll stop self-sabotaging yourself while the new you finally comes out to take on the world.
Now do you see how powerful the Metabolism Window and “red water” recipe that you’ve been ignoring for years can be?
The stress and inflammation that’s been building in your body for years because of the pressure from your job and your family has been sabotaging you from losing the weight you desire without you even knowing it
The good news is…
It will all disappear, along with the extra pounds, thanks to this little-known fat loss loophole.
Take a look at Meredith, she swears by these morning principles after discovering them a short time ago and is now in the best shape of her life...

And then there’s Angela…
Who struggled on every weight loss program she’s ever done until she took advantage of these simple secrets that ANYONE can do to lose 8 pounds and 6 inches off her belly and thighs in less than a month without changing her diet.

I hope you’re starting to realize that these wonderful men and women are no different than you.
They don’t have any more willpower, they don’t “want it more” and they definitely aren’t willing to work harder than you…
They’ve been experiencing these amazing belly slimming results in just minutes a day because they took advantage of this powerful fat loss loophole, fat flushing “red water” recipe, and the Harvard Medical study that’s been kept under wraps until now...
They simply followed the blueprint laid out for them and went on enjoying their lives as their kids look up with envy at all the positive changes happening right before their eyes.
And You Can Lose All the Weight You Desire in Just Minutes a Day Too…
It makes me so sad talking to people in person who are scared to death of exercising and losing weight because of some extreme boot camp they tried years ago that left them broken and battered with knee issues that may last a lifetime…
And after seeing my own mom struggle for years on all the popular fad diets that never produced a single pound of weight loss as the bills for these pre-packaged meals got higher and higher, I made it my mission to spread the truth across the world so you don’t have to suffer like my mom did.
Which is Why I Took Everything I Learned from the Harvard Study, Combined it with the Morning Fat Loss Loophole, Along with the Fat-Flushing “Red Water” Detox Drink…
And Put it in an Easy to Use System that My Clients Nicknamed the Flat Belly Flush
And when you combine the 5-Minute belly slimming sequences during your Metabolism Window with the Fat Flushing “red water” recipe, you can double or even triple your weight loss week after week in less than 7 minutes a day...
It’s so easy, ANYONE can do it, even if you’ve never successfully lost a single pound in your entire life.
And I’ll personally be here every step of the way to help guide you and make sure you lose every last pound you desire as you look and feel 10 years younger almost overnight.
Look, even though you can rapidly boost your weight loss and daily fat burn by a shocking 100% by taking advantage of these rapid fat loss secrets uncovered by Harvard Medical and the British Journal of Nutrition…
I want to personally make sure you have every opportunity to succeed and I would hate to see you duped by the media and doctor’s with their lies while protecting Big Pharma and the money hungry diet companies who pay their hefty salaries….
So I’ve included a special bonus report of the…
3 Worst Belly Bulging Veggies because the truth is not all veggies are healthy and everyone’s body processes them differently

Which is why for some people, eating broccoli everyday is a death wish because it makes their belly and butt bulge out thanks to a few tiny amino acids that are impossible for most people to digest…
That’s just one of the reasons the low-calorie diets that call for chicken and broccoli for dinner every week never work and leave you feeling miserable and on edge all the time.
Most veggies are not as healthy as they appear, which is why I want to get this special report into your hands today because the information inside could save your life and end years of frustration when eating more veggies has never helped you lose more weight in the past.
Inflammation could be hiding in your chest and belly for years without any warning signs while preventing even a single pound of weight loss. It’s simply another hidden trigger that could be sabotaging your results without you even knowing about it.
Look, you can completely eliminate every last ounce of inflammation that surrounds your heart and organs in just minutes a day without sacrificing the foods you love or suffering through some hour long spin or boot camp class.
As you can see, there is nothing like this available right now and none of the programs available address these hidden issues you may not even know you had…
And because I don’t want a single person to suffer like my mom did with years of struggle and frustration after being prayed on by the diet companies to spend more money on solutions that never worked while their pre-packaged meals that tasted like cardboard sat in the corner collecting dust, I’ll let you in on a little secret…
See most people are afraid to do this, but I want to share with you every last cost it takes to keep this free presentation running online…
- My website hosting costs $350 per month…
- My online distribution costs $147 per month…
- And my website maintenance costs $97 per day…
So in order to finally get the permanent weight loss solution that’s extremely easy to use and only takes minutes a day to get you the tight and trim body you deserve, which includes...
The Flat Belly Flush – a 15-Day Belly Slimming Blueprint to Drop 13 Pounds or More In Just 2 Weeks
The 5-Minute Low Impact Flat Belly Bursts that include follow along videos so you won’t even have to think about what to do…
Simply follow along for 5 minutes during your Metabolism Window to burn 20% more belly fat every single day…
And the 60-Second Flat Belly Bursts…

That you can quickly do before any meal to guarantee what you eat will NOT be stored as fat…
Even if it’s a thick, juicy burger, a big piece of chocolate cake, or a big bowl of spaghetti with warm and fluffy garlic bread…
These unique 60-second joint-friendly bursts will make sure ALL that food is burned up for energy INSTEAD of being stored as belly fat…
Plus, I’ve included the two bonus reports for FREE so there’s never any confusion in your life going forward…
The first FREE bonus report is, “Eat These Carbs Before Bed to Burn More Fat”…

Which describes in detail the yummy and delicious carbs you can eat before bed to burn more fat while you sleep…
While nourishing your immunity and fighting against the free radicals that invade your body and ruin your weight loss…
So you’ll never have to worry about what to eat or night, or rely on “willpower” and end up going to bed hungry with your stomach all because you’re trying to lose a few pounds.
Instead, you can overeat these yummy carbs before bed and still lose weight.
And finally, the 3 Worst Belly Bulging Veggies to Avoid
So you’re no longer tricked into eating the “healthy” veggies that actually make your belly BIGGER…
To keep a roof over my wife and daughter’s head, I would need to charge $297 for the #1 Fat Flushing Solution in the world
And that would actually be a huge bargain…
As you save hundreds of thousands of dollars over the rest of your life on medical bills and expensive pills and medication that you’ll no longer need as you slim down and ease the pressure on your aching bones and joints from losing the weight that’s been holding you back for years...

And you’d never have to spend a single dime on a gym membership that goes unused for months…
Or an expensive personal trainer who just sits there on their phone barking orders at you to “push harder” and “do one more rep” while they text with their friends for the entire hour…
However, this has never been about money to me. It’s about making sure you never feel the disappointment and disgust with another bogus program that promises you the world without ever delivering on their outrageous hype filled claims…
It’s about avoiding the struggle I’ve seen too many women and men over 35 go through when their metabolism shuts down and losing a single pound becomes impossible which can lead into depression and self-esteem issues that linger for a lifetime…
Which is why when you say YES to the Flat Belly Flush right here right now before leaving this website, you’ll pay the extremely low discounted price of just $67 to finally melt away every last squishy pound of fat that’s been hanging on to your body for far too long…
And even though that’s an amazing deal to eliminate your weight loss struggles forever while you finally start burning pure fat off your belly instead of losing weight water or your precious lean and sexy muscle…
I want to do you one better.
After years of running my own fitness boot camp in Wisconsin and seeing the look on thousands of men’s and women’s faces when we spoke in person about all the frustrations with their weight…
I know deep down that I need to get this in the hands of as many people as possible so you’ll never have another sleepless night or suffer through some miserable gluten-free, dairy free, sugar-free, low-carb “diet” ever again…
So for today only you’re not going to pay the heavily discounted price of just $67…
Instead, You Can Get Immediate Access to the World’s #1 Belly Slimming Solution for a One-Time Secure Investment of Just $15.
You’ll get access to every component of the Flat Belly Flush system…
Which you can access right from your computer, tablet, or phone so you can take this cutting edge information with you wherever you go as your secret weapon against belly fat that’ll never leave your side…
Look, I understand that you may still be skeptical, especially if nothing has ever worked for you before. I don’t blame you. In fact, I’m the exact same way when I learn about something new that sounds too good to be true.
That’s why I’ve included a
60-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee
If for whatever reason you don’t feel that you received 10x the value of what you paid for, then I insist you get a full refund with NO questions asked…
This is the fastest fat loss solution available anywhere in the world, however if in the extremely rare chance that it does not work for you, I’ll be happy to refund every last penny of your investment
That’s why you have absolutely zero risk to take action today and finally start stripping away the unwanted fat that’s been clinging to your body and hiding underneath your baggy clothes for years…

Get started right now for a flatter belly by tomorrow by clicking the
“Add to Cart” button below.
$67 $15
And to be perfectly honest, even though you can easily lose 5 or more pounds of pure fat in the very first week, and continue melting away fat week after week on autopilot by following a few simple strategies that take just minutes a day and ANYONE can do…
And although it will severely decrease the risk of horrible health issues like heart hypertension, diabetes, kidney failure or having a sudden heart attack that would rip you away from your kids and family way too soon out of nowhere like a silent killer in the night…
This is bigger than just you.
Along with transforming your body from head to toe, you’ll be setting the example that your kids will look up to as they can’t help but copy everything their parents do since you’re the role models they adore…
Your close family members who’s heart, lungs, and arteries are trapped under layers of fat that you can obviously see yet they refuse to do anything about it…
…will finally be open to the opportunity to reclaim their health and add years to their life, by seeing how easy and effortlessly you reclaimed yours even though you’re extremely busy with no time to waste…
And you’ll even be saving your country as your insurance and medical bills drop to almost nothing while you get older, saving millions of dollars over time because your clean bill of health keeps you out of the hospital while everyone else checks in more often than ever…

That’s why losing weight, burning off every last ounce of fat on your body, and becoming healthier than you were as a 23 year old is so important not only for you, but your family, close friends, and your entire country….
So many people never take their health seriously until it’s too late because they don’t think they can do it, they’re scared of the marathon workouts they see on infomercials at 2 am when they cry themselves to sleep because they hate how they look and feel everyday...
They don’t believe in themselves and we need to reclaim the trust in people who are emotionally and physically wounded from being ripped off too many times before.
That’s why this article has gone on longer than I originally intended.
I get so fired up thinking about people who were scammed, or who lost hope because the one time they tried losing weight it didn’t work and was too hard or the program was too complicated…
That’s why you need to take the first step to reclaiming your health, your weight, and your life that can be as magical as you choose it to be.
And most important of all, you’ll be saving your children from the money hungry diet companies…
Who put buzzwords like “Heart Healthy” on junk foods to trick you into buying only to keep getting in your wallet week after week at the grocery store as you and your children’s health deteriorates from all the hidden additives and chemicals in today’s most popular foods.
The good news is, you can be the knight in shining armor leading the way to an amazing total body transformation that live on for years and save your family’s life.
And the first step is clicking the “Add to Cart” button below and following the simple step-by-step fat flushing system that uses a little-known 7-second “red water” recipe to reverse your digestive “glitch”…
Unlock your rapid fat burning super hormones, and rev up your metabolism so your body starts burning fat FASTER than ever…
Instead of piling it up around your belly, hips, and thighs, all while taking advantage of the fat loss loophole known as your Metabolism Window to burn 20% more belly fat every single day without ruining your knees, ankles, and joints.
$67 $15
You can transform your body and your life starting today without breaking a sweat as you add another decade or more onto your life…
Look, the Truth is You’re at a Crossroads Right Now and You Only Have 3 Options…
Option #1 is you can do nothing.
Simply leave, forget everything you learned in this free presentation and go back to your regular life feeling frustrated with your weight as your heart gets weaker with every passing minute and the extra fat continues to pile up and put deadly pressure on your organs, bones, and joints…

Only to feel that pain deep down as your heart feels like it going to jump right out of your chest from simply walking up a flight of stairs and you struggle to catch your breath as the beads of sweat pop up all over your forehead…
However, if you’ve made it this far in the video, I know you want more. And if you do nothing…well, then nothing is going to change.
Option #2, you could take what you learned here today in this free presentation and try to apply it yourself.
You could do all the research to discover exactly what you need to eat and drink on a daily basis to flush fat straight out of your body…
You could also spend weeks, or even months, trying to figure out the exact low-impact flat belly routines you should do during your Metabolism Window to get 30 minutes worth of results in just 5 minutes while saving your joints, back, and knees.
And you can poor over the thousands of research studies and medical journals to identify the exact time every single day when your body naturally burns 20% more fat...
Because if you mess that up, no amount of hard work or sweat will make up for the amount of fat you COULD be burning if you only knew this easy to follow flat belly secret.
But you and I both know, that’s going to take a LONG time…
Plus, life is going to get in the way like it always does and you’re never going to get around to doing it…
And if that is your plan, then wouldn’t you have done it already?
Wouldn’t you have figured this all out years ago?
Or you could take the easy way out…
Risk absolutely nothing because you’re backed by our 60-Day money back guarantee, and follow the simple done-for-you steps that I’ve already laid out for you so you can feel your body getting slimmer and leaner day after day, week after week…
And just imagine 3 days from now…
As you step out of the shower, put on a pair pants as you get ready for work in the morning…
Then the moment you walk out of your bedroom, you feel your pants that were always snug and tight sliding down your ever shrinking waist while finally resting on your hips and all you can do is smile in amazement to how your new body looks and feels.
All you have to do is click the “Add to Cart” button below where you’ll be taken to the 100% secure order form page.

And in minutes you’ll have direct access to the entire fat flushing, belly slimming system, so…
By this time tomorrow you’ll already feel lighter as it’s only a matter of days before your belly tightens and flattens…
And in just a few short weeks you’ll be sliding back into your jeans from high school as you burn all of your “fat clothes” forever.
$67 $15
And remember, there is ZERO risk on your part to try the entire Flat Belly Flush system, the 5-minute flat belly low impact workout videos…
The ultra-slimming “Red Water” recipe…
The 60-second Flat Belly Bursts…
The quick start guide so you’re never lost or confused and know exactly how to get started without a single doubt in your mind…
The 3 Worst Belly Bulging Veggies to Avoid exclusive report, and the special bonus report on exactly what carbs to eat at night before bed to burn more fat…

Listen, if you go through the entire system and realize it’s just not for you, send me a quick email and I’ll be happy to refund 100% of your money.
This way you can at least try it out before making a final decision.
Look, I’m taking on all the risk here because I know how fast and easy these flat belly secrets are to use and how they can transform your life and peel years off your age making you look and feel 10 years younger without any expensive skin creams, fat burning pills, or dangerous detox drinks…
The decision is yours.
You finally have someone who believes in you, and…
I know you can do this…
I’ll be here to personally help you every step of the way…
To rejuvenate your health and body once and for all.
It’s never too late to transform your life.
To your vibrant and long lasting health, this is Derek Wahler

Are you still here?
I understand.
We covered a lot of information today and you may still have some questions that I haven’t answered yet.
Here are some of the most common questions people ask about the Flat Belly Flush system…
Question: I’ve invested a lot of money over the years in workout and diet programs yet none of them worked and I’m still overweight. Is there something wrong with me?
Answer: No, there definitely is not anything wrong with you. The truth is, most programs are extremely complicated, require too much of your time, and are completely unrealistic to stick with long term.
That’s why I made the Flat Belly Flush so simple and easy to use. Because the best solution doesn’t matter if you can’t stick with it. So I surveyed thousands of men and women to develop the ultimate belly slimming solution that takes just minutes a day and can easily fit into even the busiest schedules.
And you’ve never heard about the morning fat loss loophole or the fat-flushing “red water”, which is a game changer for so many struggling people who are frustrated with plateaus or staying at the same weight no matter what you try.
Question: Am I too old for this to work?
Answer: As long as you can stand up on your own two feet, then you definitely are not too old for this.
It has worked wonders on women and men in their 30’s, 40’s, 50’s, all the way up to people in their late 70’s and early 80’s. That’s because the belly slimming movements are low impact so you never leave the ground while you continue to melt away fat day after day by activating a few little-used hormones and muscle groups that burn calories like crazy.
And the simple 2-step detox will have you eating MORE of your favorite foods, while flushing away your fat with a miracle “red water’ recipe…
That works for ANYONE at ANY age in ANY type of physical condition…
To reverse your digestive “glitch” and reprogram your body to start burning fat again so you can finally SEE a flatter, more firm belly without ever breaking a sweat.
Your close family members who’s heart, lungs, and arteries are trapped under layers of fat that you can obviously see yet they refuse to do anything about it…
$67 $15
Question: Derek, I lost 7 pounds in the first 7 days. Is this normal?
Answer: Congratulations! The Flat Belly Flush is in sync with your natural fat-burning cycles and you should be VERY proud of yourself...
On average, we see 5 pounds of weight loss in the first week, although we have seen as much as 9 pounds of fat lost.
However, it’s much more than that. It’s how your clothes fit as the weight starts coming off, how you see yourself in the mirror as the fat starts melting away and your true body begins to show.
Everyone is different, yet at least 5 pounds of weight lost in the first week is about average.
Question: Do I need a bunch of equipment or a fridge full of diet food to get started?
Answer: Absolutely not. You do not need a single piece of equipment or any special diet food to get started. All you need is a positive attitude that’s focused on getting the results you desire without letting anything stand in your way.
Question: What happens after I click the “Add to Cart” button?
Answer: Once you click the “Add to Cart” button below, you’ll be taken to a 100% secure order form page.
Once you enter in your information, you’ll receive instant and immediate access to the entire Flat Belly Flush program, along with the follow along videos and bonus reports.
You can download all the manuals and videos straight to your computer, tablet, or phone so you can use them as often as you like.
This is a one-time time investment in yourself and you will never be billed again.
$67 $15
Question: How does your money back guarantee work?
Answer: These flat belly secrets have saved people’s lives, rescued marriages, and even freed people from their expensive medications and hospital visits.
Which is why I wanted to make it as easy as possible for you to try it. So I took all the risk so you can test it out on me.
If you go through the program and realize that is just isn’t for you, send me an email and I’ll be happy to provide you with a full refund with no questions asked.
Question: How long with the Flat Belly Flush be available?
Answer: The truth is, I’ve been getting a lot of pressure from diet and weight loss companies who are trying to shut me down because that’s naturally what they try and do to anyone they see as competition, who’s willing to spread the truth without charging you a fortune every month for awful tasting meals or magic pills that are a total rip off and don’t do anything except overflow your body with free radicals and dangerous toxins that ruin your immune system…
That’s why I can’t guarantee this free video will be up forever, I’m a small fish in a big pond of high priced lawyers who get paid millions of dollars to squash the little guy like me.
I can’t even guarantee this video will still be up tomorrow, so if you want to finally make a change for yourself and your family to lose the weight that’s been holding you back for years without getting injured in some high intensity boot camp class or wasting hundreds of dollars on cookbooks and diets that are too hard to follow, then you need to take action right now while you still can and it’s fresh in your mind.
Question: Derek, I’m ready to make a change. What is the next step?
Answer: I’m so excited and I can’t wait to help you crush your wildest weight loss goals!
The first step is to click the “Add to Cart” button below, enter in your information in our 100% secure order form, and you’ll receive instant access to the entire Flat Belly Flush program.
Plus a Quick Start Guide that will tell you exactly how to get started toward your new slim and sexy body starting right now without any confusion…
And with my 60-day 100% money back guarantee, you have nothing to lose and an exciting, youthful life to gain.