New Year’s Fat-Burning Bundle Sale

Get 17 Of My Most Popular Rapid Fat-Burning Programs to Flatten Your Belly and DOUBLE Your Results For the Price of ONE

This One-Time Only Opportunity Ends Soon. More Below...

Hey, Derek Wahler here…

And over the past few days I’ve been thinking of how I can help you get your best body EVER in 2017, after all…

There’s NEVER a better time to lose weight and burn off all your unwanted fat as you head into the new year…

So what I did was take 17 of my most popular fat-burning programs and bundled them together in a package that can have you down 5-10 pounds in the next week alone

These are by far my most powerful programs when it comes to losing weight quickly, and since you take the time to read my daily email newsletter…

You qualify for a MASSIVE discount as my way of saying thanks.

However, I’ve NEVER done this before and probably won’t do it again, so take advantage of this now before you forget.

And the reason this will work for you when nothing else does, is because...

Each of these programs is laid out in order, step-by-step...

So you'll never be confused on what to do or how to get started. 

Simply pick a program, get started with Day #1 and your body will naturally start to lean out as each day goes by.

And so there isn't ANY confusion, here's EXACTLY what you'll get today when you save BIG with this limited time New Year's Fat-Burning Bundle...

Fat Shrinking Signal Workout Videos - $47 Value

  • Activate your "Belly Shrinking Signal" in just 10-minutes and visibly SEE your belly get flatter and more firm in just 3 days.
  • There is NO thinking on your part. Simply press Play and follow along with me for 10-minutes and you're DONE!
  • And you do NOT need a single piece of equipment, each workout only uses your own bodyweight to slim and sculpt every last inch while your "Slimming Signal" MELTS away ugly fat FASTER than ever before

Fat Shrinking Signal Diet - $37 Value

The FASTEST way to DOUBLE your weight loss results in just a few short weeks is to eat a specific combination of belly slimming super-nutrients, anti-aging antioxidants, and essential vitamins...

That work hand-in-hand with the Fat Shrinking Signal System to melt away belly fat at the fastest rate possible.

And this breakthrough NEW system is different than 99% of the "diets" out there because you encouraged NOT to count calories and simply listen to your body instead.

You'll get delicious belly slimming recipes and meal plans that work with your natural fat-burning cycles without giving up carbs or yummy desserts...

So you'll never feel deprived or even hungry for a single minute.

5-Minute Morning Burn Workout Videos - $47 Value

In just 5 minutes in the morning, you can jumpstart your sleeping metabolism, rapidly boost your energy, and prime your body to burn fat for the rest of the day.

You see, when you do a few strategic exercises first thing in the morning, your body doesn’t have carbs or sugars to burn for energy…

So it goes directly for your body fat as your #1 source of energy, which means…

You can burn pure fat first thing in the morning right in your own living room, while boosting your sleeping metabolism for the rest of the day, making weight loss almost effortless.

And to make it even easier for you, you’ll receive 10 follow along Morning Burn workout videos that take ONLY 5-minutes. Simply press Play and you’ll do the ENTIRE workout with me.

At just 5 minutes, you’ll easily be able to fit this into your busy schedule, reprograming your body to burn fat first, so you get faster results.

5-Minute Morning Burn Workout Manual - $37 Value

The 5-Minute Morning Burn Workout Manual has every single workout laid out for you, so you’ll know exactly what to do, even if you don’t have the workout videos handy.

And each workout contains just TWO exercises.

So you'll never be confused or unsure of what to do...

Instead, you'll know EXACTLY what's coming next so your body and your mind can focus on burning fat at the FASTEST rate possible...

All in just 5-Minutes.

5-Minute Morning Burn Exercise Library - $27 Value

This manual is jam packed with detailed descriptions and images for each exercise in the 5-Minute Morning Burn program.

That means you’ll know EXACTLY how to do each exercise with perfect form, so you’ll burn more fat and calories in every workout.

And if you still have questions about a particular workout or exercise, you’ll be able to contact me directly, so I can personally help get you on the right track as soon as possible...

Even better, you'll now have dozens of the BEST fat-burning exercises at your fingertips for the rest of your life.

Flat Belly Flush Breakfast Cookbook - $27 Value

  • Imagine eating fluffy egg omelets, warm & soft waffles, and pancakes with a thick slab of butter melting on top while you continue to lose weight week after week.
  • Now you can eat your favorite breakfast foods everyday while the fat practically melts off by adding a few simple herbs and spices proven to SPEED UP slimming.

Flat Belly Flush Lunch Cookbook - $27 Value

  • Never eat boring leftovers ever again! Eating cold and soggy leftovers from last night’s dinner only increases your cravings for the sweet and salty foods that you love while leaving you feeling deprived all day
  • Now you’ll enjoy every last bite with these easy and amazing fat-burning lunch recipes that you can make in minutes to flatten your belly
  • And don’t worry about portion control, you can eat as much as you desire and still lose weight thanks to a few secret ingredients that increase your energy and fat-burning metabolism to keep you going throughout your busy day

Flat Belly Flush Dinner Cookbook - $27 Value

Think of a jam-packed highway at rush hour when everyone is trying to get home from work. The more cars you throw on the road, the more congested and backed up everything gets.

The same thing happens with this digestive “glitch” at dinner. The more food you eat throughout the day, the more backed up you are in the evening…

And all that congestion and blockage leads to your food getting shuttled straight to your fat cells

Even if you ate nothing but lean protein and green veggies all day…

Making you heavier and bigger because your body is broken.

The good news is, you can easily REVERSE this at dinner time with a few mouth-watering meals that clean up the blockage in your belly while switching ON your fat-burning metabolism to melt away your belly bulge while you sleep…

Leaving you lighter and leaner the moment you wake up tomorrow morning.

Flat Belly Flush Dessert Cookbook - $27 Value

  • Imagine indulging in your favorite treats every night guilt-free while satisfying your sweet tooth and revving up your natural fat-burning cycles to melt off more weight day after day
  • You can enjoy double fudge brownies, chocolate cake, and a big bowl of ice cream while the weight continues to fall every week with these amazing 100% guilt-free recipes

48-Hour Flat Belly Flush - $37 Value

Imagine leaving work on Friday exhausted and tired as you say goodbye to your co-workers, and then…

Over the weekend your belly flattens, inches are melted off your waist, and you show up on Monday morning a whole NEW person that feels amazing, full of energy, and looking better than ever…

As your co-workers look on in amazement at what you’ve become over a single weekend that seems almost unreal…

See, with my private client I stumbled on an unusual mix of foods, herbs, and spices that turn OFF your “Hunger Hormones” which leave you feeling hungry and craving sugary foods all the time, and…

Once you switch OFF these “Hunger Hormones” that lie to your brain and tell you you’re hungry when you’re really NOT, you’ll instantly notice your body feeling lighter with more energy as your natural slimming sensors take over…

And don’t worry, you will NOT be starving yourself for 48 hours only drinking water and eating raw vegetables…

Instead, you’ll be able to enjoy endless amounts of rejuvenating drinks and meals that open your fat flushing flood gates to remove the toxic fat that’s been stuck to your insides unwilling to budge for far too long.

5-Day Rapid Flat Belly Flush - $37 Value

After the 48 hours are over, you’ll want to take advantage of the NEW rapid fat-flushing environment that’s been created in your belly, so…

Over the next 5 days you’ll be adding in a variety of NEW drinks, meals, and movement patterns to guarantee the fat you flush out NEVER comes back and is gone forever...

While your body is FLOODED with fat-fighting hormones that tighten up your belly, thighs, and arms to remove every last bit of jiggle no matter how old you are or what physical condition you’re in.

How to TRIPLE Your Fat-Burning Overnight - $27 Value

When I reached my 30’s, I hit a rough patch in my life and the one thing that suffered the most was my weight…

It just didn’t seem that important to me anymore after going through so many hard times in my personal life, along with 6 emergency room visits in 6 months that left me drained without any energy or desire to get in shape…

I was on the brink of giving up…

Then as I started doing hours of research on the digestive disorder that left me in the hospital month after month, I discovered something truly amazing that not only helped get me through these tough times…

It also transformed my body into burning pure fat for fuel instead of sugars and carbs like most people do while I slept, after all…

At the time I was on bed rest for 20 hours a day and wasn’t allowed to exercise after a handful of extensive surgeries…

Yet my belly kept shrinking and tightening up even though I was barely burning ANY calories because of how inactive I was…

And it was such a game changer for me that I stripped it down into 2 simple steps ANYONE can do to TRIPLE your fat-burning overnight without any exercise or dieting…

I put this one to the test myself for months and still use it to this day because the results are unreal after you make this simple switch in your body that’ll have you feeling lighter and leaner by TOMORROW morning.

10-Minute Fat Loss Low-Impact System - $37 Value

This 4-week joint-friendly program will have you burning fat and flattening your belly in just 10 minutes a day, and...

It was specifically designed to protect your knees, ankles, joints, and back while working with your natural fat-burning cycles to get you LEANER without risking injury...

Unfortunately, most programs these days are filled with extreme, high-impact exercises that can ruin your body as you get older...

However, in just 10-minutes a day, you can easily get in the best shape of your life right at home without a single piece of equipment.

5 Secret Foods That SPEED UP Fat Burn - $27 Value

  • You’ll discover the 5 secret foods that speed up your fat burning no matter how old you are or what your physical condition is.
  • All you have to do is sprinkle in these 5 foods every week whenever you want and your belly will flatten even if you never exercise
  • And the BEST part can eat as much of these foods as you want and still burn fat week after week, so you'll never be hungry for a single second

4-Minute Flat Belly Flush Abs System - $37 Value

These 4 minute flat ab follow along workout videos melt away your love handles and quickly flatten your belly using a simple Eastern Japanese secret that research has proven burns up to 4x MORE belly fat every single day…

And you’ll never have to do a single back-breaking sit-up or crunch that has never worked for you before and doesn’t produce any real, long-lasting results…

Instead, you’ll do a simple 4-minute bodyweight sequence that activates your natural slimming sensors to flush out more belly fat and reveal the flat and sexy stomach you can show the entire world.

50+ Fat-Flushing Red Smoothies - $27 Value

Hidden inflammation is one of the most common fat-storing triggers that hangs out around your chest, lungs, and belly, however…

You may have it and not even feel a thing!

Yet it’s the REAL reason you can never lose more than a couple pounds or keep the weight off for good…

However, the good news is…

You can eliminate the "Inflammation Enzymes" in your body that have been the secret fat-storing nightmare keeping you overweight while nothing you try EVER works…

…by simply drinking a Red Fat Flushing Smoothie that contains the #1 anti-inflammatory agent your body needs to get rid of this fat storing sequence that has left you struggling with your weight for years.

And you can EASILY be down 5 pounds or more in the first week by simply drinking one of these delicious fat flushers in 60 seconds or less...

So you can visibly SEE a flatter belly that's more firm to the touch faster than you ever thought possible.

50+ Fat-Flushing Green Smoothies - $27 Value

  • Each fat-flushing smoothie contains the #1 belly slimming super-nutrient that tastes amazing and shrinks your waistline the MORE you drink
  • Each Fat-Flushing Blend is chock full of anti-aging antioxidants and essential vitamins that slim your body down without having to worry about counting calories or carbs
  • Imagine the SHOCK on your best friend’s face when you meet for drinks next time with your stunning NEW body that flushed out all your extra fat in just minutes a day while they BEG to know what your secret is

This Done-For-You Fat-Burning Bundle Is Worth Over $559

Today You Can Slash OFF $512 & Save Over 90% With The Ultimate Fat-Burning Bundle

When sold separately you would pay $559 to get instant and immediate access to all of my most popular fat-burning programs listed above, however...

Going into the New Year I want you to have absolutely EVERYTHING you could ever need to strip away belly fat, build sexy, lean muscle, and get healthier than you've ever been before...

Which is why today you're not going to pay $559...

You're not even going to pay HALF of that $279.50

If you take action today, you'll get the LOWEST possible premium price of just $47

Simply Click the Add to Cart button below to receive your premium discount.

$559 $279.50 $37

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