You’ve Been Selected to Receive a $30 Purchase Credit! Details Below…
97% of customers also purchase the 48-Hour Flat Belly Flush. And now you can take advantage of our Early Bird special and receive a $30 purchase credit instantly applied to your order. Simply Click the “Add To My Order” Button Below To Get It…

You Will Only See This Offer Once!
- Yes! Please include the 48-Hour Flat Belly Flush exclusive upgrade to jumpstart your fat flush and get even FASTER results in just two days WITHOUT restrictive dieting or exhaustive exercise. This is a one-time only investment of just $19 ($30 OFF)
Flush Out a Bit of Frustrating Belly Fat in the Next 48 Hours
WARNING: Due to recent Flat Belly Flush customers becoming concerned about losing too much weigh too fast, I have to include this disclaimer and remind you to only use the 48-Hour Flat Belly Flush ONE time per month.
Hi there, it’s Derek and before you get started with the Flat Belly Flush program, I wanted to run one last thing by you, after all…
Everyone’s body is different and the most frustrating thing is waiting weeks or even months to see results when you’re doing everything right and NOTHING seems to be working…
You see, I stumbled across this 48-hour fat flushing method after one of my private clients hit a plateau after losing 23 pounds, and all of a sudden NOTHING seemed to work…
Which was actually a blessing in disguise because it forced me to dig deep and try a few unusual things to jumpstart her weight loss again instead of relying on the same old boring “eat fewer calories” or “workout longer and harder” advice that most people get which goes in one ear and right out the other…
And after jumpstarting her weight loss as the scale continued to go down for 48 hours straight, I fine-tuned a 5-day fat flushing protocol to take advantage of this NEW fat-burning cycle and maximize your results to get a dramatically flatter and more firm belly in LESS than a week…
Here’s What You’ll Receive Instant Access To Today at an Incredible $30 OFF When You Upgrade Your Order To Include the 48-Hour Flat Belly Flush Protocol

48-Hour Flat Belly Flush - $37 Value
Imagine leaving work on Friday exhausted and tired as you say goodbye to your co-workers, and then…
Over the weekend your belly flattens, inches are melted off your waist, and you show up on Monday morning a whole NEW person that feels amazing, full of energy, and looking better than ever…
As your co-workers look on in amazement at what you’ve become over a single weekend that seems almost unreal…
See, with my private client I stumbled on an unusual mix of foods, herbs, and spices that turn OFF your “Hunger Hormones” which leave you feeling hungry and craving sugary foods all the time, and…
Once you switch OFF these “Hunger Hormones” that lie to your brain and tell you you’re hungry when you’re really NOT, you’ll instantly notice your body feeling lighter with more energy as your natural slimming sensors take over…
And don’t worry, you will NOT be starving yourself for 48 hours only drinking water and eating raw vegetables…
Instead, you’ll be able to enjoy endless amounts of rejuvenating drinks and meals that open your fat flushing flood gates to remove the toxic fat that’s been stuck to your insides unwilling to budge for far too long.

5-Day Extreme Flat Belly Flush - $37 Value
After the 48 hours are over, you’ll want to take advantage of the NEW rapid fat-flushing environment that’s been created in your belly, so…
Over the next 5 days you’ll be adding in a variety of NEW drinks, meals, and movement patterns to guarantee the fat you flush out NEVER comes back and is gone forever...
While your body is FLOODED with fat-fighting hormones that tighten up your belly, thighs, and arms to remove every last bit of jiggle no matter how old you are or what physical condition you’re in.

Easier Than EVER!

2 Simple Steps to TRIPLE Your Fat Burning Overnight - $27 Value
When I reached my 30’s, I hit a rough patch in my life and the one thing that suffered the most was my weight…
It just didn’t seem that important to me anymore after going through so many hard times in my personal life, along with 6 emergency room visits in 6 months that left me drained without any energy or desire to get in shape…
I was on the brink of giving up…
Then as I started doing hours of research on the digestive disorder that left me in the hospital month after month, I discovered something truly amazing that not only helped get me through these tough times…
It also transformed my body into burning pure fat for fuel instead of sugars and carbs like most people do while I slept, after all…
At the time I was on bed rest for 20 hours a day and wasn’t allowed to exercise after a handful of extensive surgeries…
Yet my belly kept shrinking and tightening up even though I was barely burning ANY calories because of how inactive I was…
And it was such a game changer for me that I stripped it down into 2 simple steps ANYONE can do to TRIPLE your fat-burning overnight without any exercise or dieting…
I put this one to the test myself for months and still use it to this day because the results are unreal after you make this simple switch in your body that’ll have you feeling lighter and leaner by TOMORROW morning.
Achieve Your Flattest Belly EVER In the Next 48 Hours By Upgrading Your Order And Take An Additional $30 OFF With Your New Customer Rewards Discount
Look, there is absolutely zero risk on you…Take advantage of the 48-hour fat flushing secrets to flatten your belly for a full 60 days and if you’re still not satisfied then you pay nothing!
This exclusive opportunity is only for new Flat Belly Flush customers and is not offered to anyone else and never will be…
This is your one and ONLY chance to take advantage of these natural belly slimming secrets that can transform your body and your life in as little as 48 hours no matter how hold you are or what physical condition you’re in…
So if you want to flush out all the dangerous toxins, harmful free radicals, and frustrating belly fat in just 48 hours, then this is the EXACT program for you that will get you there FASTER than ever before.
All you have to do is click the button below to instantly update your order and receive immediate access to these flat belly secrets at 70% off the normal price.
With Your New Customer Rewards Discount Your One Time Price Today Is Only:
$49 $19

No thanks, I realize that this one time only discounted offer to lose 5 pounds or more in 48 hours while tripling my fat-burning overnight is a one time offer and will never be available again even if I wish to pay more.