Struggling With Hormonal Weight Gain?

Drop Up To 20lbs In Just 20 Days Without Leaving the House

A primary care doctor in West Virginia is doing something really strange.

In 2017, West Virginia was the #1 state for diabetes.

And they were near the top for heart attacks...



And just about every bad weight related problem you could think of.

Here this doctor is, surrounded by suffering, kidney failures, foot amputations...

Everyone just kept getting heavier and sicker. 

And while everyone just expected things to get worse, his first patient - after graduating medical school - strolled in for their monthly appointment down 22 pounds.

His blood sugars were normal.

And he was off his prescription medications.

Everyone in this small town clinic just stood there, stunned.

Yet he wasn’t the only one.

A 53 year old mother of two quickly dropped 32 pounds even though she was eating bread and drinking wine every night.

And a husband and wife got so skinny that when they were sleeping together... 

They realized that FOUR of them could now easily fit in their queen sized bed. 

All thanks to a stunning fat loss secret that forces your body to start burning up all your stored fat at once.

Before long, this tiny clinic that was on the verge of shutting down, had a 10-month waiting list.

And once the word got out, over 110,000 women and men in their 50s, 60s, 70s and beyond have used this secret to effortlessly drop unwanted belly fat... 

Skyrocket their youthful energy...

Radically increase their fat-burning metabolism…

And lose up to 5 inches at a time off their waistline.

The results have been nothing short of incredible

And while you have every right to be skeptical, I’m going to show you EXACTLY how they did it.

Because in times like these, when we’re all stuck at home now more than ever...

You need to take care of your own health.

With an economic disaster all but guaranteed, your health and your weight are one of the only things you can control.

And now you finally have the time to do it.

Today I'm Going To Share With You A NEW Fat Loss Secret That's Helping Adults Over 50 Drop Abdominal Fat Like Crazy Without Ever Leaving The House

And the best part is, this gentle remedy starts working in as little as 3 minutes.

It works if you spend all day on the couch watching TV...

It works if you're eating way more carbs than normal...

And it even works if you're over 50, have horrible genetics, and have been overweight for most of your adult life....

Even better, I’m going to tell you exactly what to do…

So make sure to have a pen and paper handy, because you’ll want to jot down some notes.

Because I’m going to be giving you real-life information that you can start using today to get rid of the nagging fat that’s been holding you back for far too long.

Not only that, I’m also going to share with you a fat-cutting drink you should have first thing in the morning before you eat anything.

It helps stabilize your blood sugar…

Because the last thing you want is your blood sugar shooting up and down, which increases cravings.

I'm Also Going To Share With You A NEW Wave Of Weight Loss Soups That Take Only 5 Minutes To Make

Just make one pot to lose up to 11 pounds this week.

21 Years Old =====> 41 Years Old

I know that sounds a little over the top... 

But recent research from Penn State University shows that combining liquid with solid food (like in a soup)...

It tricks the body into feeling full about 400 calories sooner than it normally would.

If you do the math, that means up to 50 pounds of extra weight loss over just one year…

Without you doing any real “work”.

Plus, I’m going to show you a 60-second technique that can reverse any weight loss stall or plateau.

The truth is, if you didn’t lose at least 8 pounds last month, then you need this strategy.

It’s so simple, a 4 year old could do it.

And yet it works incredibly well, especially for anyone over 50 who’s weight loss has stalled through no fault of your own.

In The Face Of a Worldwide Pandemic...

This Is The Best Time To Take Control Of Your Health & Your Body

Honestly, it’s the only thing you can control right now.

And even when the self-quarantine is lifted, it could take years in order for life to return to normal.

But as long as you keep these foods on hand, your family will never go hungry, you’ll have more energy, and even if the gyms stay closed indefinitely…

You’ll still be consistently losing weight each and every week.

Now, before I share my grocery list with you, we’re going to do two things.

First, we’re going to address your immune system.

Because in times like these, there’s nothing more important than your immunity.

It’s what’s going to stop you from getting sick.

Second, times are tough right now.

Businesses are closing left and right.

People are out of work, and so...

When It Comes To My Grocery List, We're Going To Do It On A Tight Budget

One of the biggest lies is that eating clean and healthy is expensive.

Sure, it can be if you buy everything organic, grass-fed and grass-finished.

And while those are nice things to have, they are not required.

A simple rule to follow is buy the highest quality foods you can within your budget.

And I’m going to show you how to do just that.

By the way, my name is Derek.

I got certified through the National Academy of Sports Medicine in 2013…

And I’ve owned one of the most successful nutrition and weight loss companies for the past 6 years…

Specifically helping over 30,000 women and men 50 years and older look and feel their absolute best in less than 10 minutes a day.

But today, I want you to be completely at ease.

So many people have been stocking up on toilet paper and hand sanitizer, but have no idea what foods to buy.

It’s time to fix that, so you can stay healthy for yourself and for everyone who depends on you.

We don’t have a lot of time, so this isn’t going to be some fancy high-tech presentation.

I just want to get the info out as fast as possible.

Let’s get started.

How To Bulletproof Your Immune System

Your immune system is basically your defense system, your military, your army, that fights off the bad guys so you can stay healthy.

And in this case, the bad guys are pathogens.

Pathogens are microbes that cause disease.

So it’s your immune system’s job to fight off the pathogens and other diseases that can slow you down.

Your immune system is constantly scanning all the substances in your body to see if they’re a foreign entity that can cause harm, or just a regular part of the body.

Once it tags a substance as a foreign part of the body that can cause harm, it calls on the defense system...

Aka your “army”, to come fight the bad guys.

There are three main barriers to the immune system where pathogens can get in.

First, you have the skin.

Most people don’t know this, but you have all this friendly bacteria on your skin that’s there to protect you against foreign invaders and disease.

Next, you have the mucus lining in your gut, through your airways, and through your sinuses that capture and fend off foreign particles and microbes.

Inflammation is the final barrier your body puts up to protect itself.

The main cells in your immune system are the white blood cells, and along with microbes called flora, they help you with immune defense.

For example, if a pathogen (aka a bad guy) enters the body, they will suffocate them by not giving them enough space to live and grow, or by making sure they don’t have enough food to live.

It’s kinda crazy to think all of this is going on inside of our body all the time.

Your Body's #1 Defense System Needs To Be Strong At All Times

Before we get to the grocery shopping list, let’s talk about your body’s #1 defense system and how it works.

Because if this fails, then it’s much easier to get sick, weak, and even gain weight.

Your white blood cells make acid to dissolve and kill pathogens…

It creates these “mucus webs” that catch and kill bad microbes...

They even release poison to kill these pathogens as quickly as possible.

Basically it’s like a war going on inside your own body…

And if your white blood cells are losing the war, you get sick…

Or you don’t feel well…

Or something just feels “off”.

Next, we get to something called the phagocytes.

Phagocytes are cells that eat and devour bad microbes.

They have a ravenous appetite for viruses, pathogens, bacteria...really any foreign substance that’s not supposed to be in your body.

They will also eat up dead cells as well.

You can think of them as the garbage disposal for things we don’t want in our body.

Now, here’s something really crazy…

Just one liter of blood has over 6 BILLION phagocytes.

The main takeaway here is that you want as many phagocytes running through your body as possible.

The good news is, there’s something you can drink every morning that’ll help boost the number of phagocytes in your body.

So I’m going to share that with you here in just a minute, once I get to the grocery shopping list.

It’s even better than supplementing with Vitamin C to make sure your immune system stays as strong as possible.

On The Flip Side - The "Bad Guys" Can Invade You In Very Sneaky Ways

Vitamin D is essential to the control of your immune system, and yet...

Most of us are very deficient in it.

That’s because it mainly comes from the sun, and most of us live in parts of the world where there isn’t much sunshine for at least 6 months out of the year.

Now, pathogens have the ability to block vitamin D.

It’s crazy, somehow pathogens know that vitamin D is so essential for our immunity, and if they can block it, it makes it easier for them to invade the cells and take over.

Another thing these sneaky little pathogens do is mimic your body tissue.

That way, they’re not recognized as a “bad guy” by your immune system.

It’s like they’re living undercover behind enemy lines, just waiting for the perfect time to strike.

On top of that, these bad microbes keep moving.

They’re always on the move, finding different homes in your joints, tissues, and cartilage. 

So even if your immune system identifies them as an invader and starts to attack, these pathogens are moving so much that they become hard to kill.

It’s like aiming at a standstill target versus one that’s moving all over the place.

You can tell which one would be easier to hit.

If You Take the Spanish Flu That Happened In 1918...

A pandemic that killed 50-100 million people, what happened right before it?

World War I.

What happened with WWI is that you had this HUGE shift in the way food was transported.

You had rationing…

And the preserving of food.

Which means the soldiers were eating more canned food, canned corned beef, canned meat and beans...some even had dog food in it.

As you can imagine, there just wasn’t a lot of fresh foods available in that time of crisis.

When you eat a lot of low-nutrient foods over time, you weaken your immune system.

It’s unfortunate to say, but those who are overweight and obese are more likely to have a weaker immune system because of their low-nutrient diets.

Which in turn leads to more weight gain, fat accumulation, and lower energy levels.

Now, when I talk about a low-nutrient diet, I’m talking about eating foods that are low in vitamins, trace minerals, antioxidants, minerals, amino acids and fatty acids.

And when you consistently eat more low-nutrient foods, it’s easier to get sick, it’s harder to recover, and it’s easier to gain weight.

Think about this…

A virus can’t do anything to you unless it invades the cell wall and goes right into your DNA.

From there, it’s able to essentially copy itself and multiply while it hijacks your cells.

Now, your cell walls are protected by two layers of fat.

This is why essential fatty acids are vital…

And why you don’t want to go on a low-fat diet.

When you combine a low-nutrient diet with stress, lack of sleep, and high amounts of sugar in your body…

It’s like a ticking time bomb in your body waiting to go off.

Now you know what your immune system is, how it gets infected, and the causes behind it.

So, let’s talk about how to fix it.

Immunity-Booster #1 - The "Self Defense" Vitamin

When it comes to keeping your immune system bulletproof, at the top of the list is vitamin C.

That’s because it has the power to stimulate more white blood cells…

...which are the heart of your body’s defense system.

But I’m not talking about vitamin C supplements.

Most of those taste like candy, are packed with fillers, and are so low-quality that they don’t really do anything for your body.

Instead, it’s best to get your vitamin C from food.

You see, vitamin C is like when a police officer puts on a bulletproof vest.

Sure, the officer could be okay without it…

But with it, they’re almost unstoppable.

When most people think of vitamin C, they think of orange juice or fruit.

The problem is, those forms of vitamin C are also packed with sugar.

So while you could improve your levels of vitamin C and slightly boost your immunity, the sugar can increase weight gain, make you feel more tired, and increase cravings.

Especially if you’re over 50 years old and not as active as you used to be.

Luckily, there are MUCH better options.

Like bell peppers, sauerkraut, berries, and leafy green vegetables.

So when it comes to putting together your grocery shopping list…

Those are the foods you want to load up on.

Personally, I eat one whole pepper every single day.

Orange and yellow are my favorites...

I love snacking on them while I make dinner…

Or I slice them up and cook them in a little avocado oil.

Absolutely delicious.

Immunity-Booster #2 - The "Healing Hormone"

I mentioned vitamin D before because it’s extremely important.

It’s an “immune-modulator”, which means it’s actually like a hormone that controls your immune system.

There are vitamin D receptors in all of your white blood cells and in your DNA.

However, most people are severely lacking in vitamin D without even knowing it.

They also help create cathelicidin and defensin, which have the ability to kill bad microbes and pathogens potently.

Now, as I mentioned earlier, the best way to get vitamin D is from the sun.

That doesn’t mean you have to spend all day outside.

Just 10-15 minutes spent outside in the sun can get you 4-5 times your daily recommended amount of vitamin D.

However, when it comes to your grocery list, there are plenty of foods higher in vitamin D.

One that you’ll want to add are oysters, salmon, sardines, tuna, eggs, and mushrooms.

And when it comes to clean eating on a budget, tuna fish and eggs are your best friend.

Here in Wisconsin, I can buy two dozen organic eggs for less than $6.

If you go with the non-organic white eggs, they’re less than $4 for two dozen.

And tuna is great because it’s high in protein, which your body needs more of as you get older…

It has a longer shelf life…

And if you put some tuna and chopped hard boiled eggs on a salad of leafy greens, you’re getting your vitamin C and D at the same time.

Plus, you’re keeping your insulin levels low, which will help you lose weight.

Immunity-Booster #3 - The "Infection Fighter"

Vitamin A provides the structural integrity to your mucosal cells, which are important in fighting off sickness and disease.

Did you ever do a human pyramid when you were younger?

Where you’d have a few people at the bottom, on their hands and knees…

Then a few more people would climb on top of them…

And then one person would be at the top?

The base layer was the most important because it was providing the structure and the foundation, otherwise the entire pyramid would crumble.

It’s the same with vitamin A.

It provides the structure your cells need to thrive in times of crisis.

It’s also known as the “Infection Fighter” that helps ward off disease…

And it helps with clearer vision as you get older, dry flaky skin, and even acne.

When it comes to your grocery shopping list, the best sources of vitamin A are cod liver oil, egg yolks, and butter.

Butter also contains conjugated linoleic acid, otherwise known as CLA.

And studies have shown that CLA can actually help shrink fat cells around your stomach and abdominal area.

CLA is something that most people aren’t getting nearly enough of, and it’s why I consider butter to be one of the best superfoods for women and men over 50.

Immunity-Booster #4 - The "Virus Protector"

If there’s one nutrient to prioritize above all others, it’s zinc.

Zinc is a nutrient that people need to stay healthy.

It’s found in cells throughout your body…

It helps those cells fight off invading bacteria and viruses…

And your body also needs zinc to make proteins and DNA.

Protein is especially important to maintain your lean muscle mass as you get older…

And a recent study showed that those who ate 30% of their calories from protein lost twice as much weight as the group who only ate 15% of their calories from protein.

So increasing protein literally doubled their results.

Zinc also can increase your disease-fighting T-cells and is very protective against viruses.

Like vitamin D, most people are deficient in zinc because it’s included in foods that we’ve been told to stay away from for years.

For example, red meat is a great source of zinc.

It’s also a great source of protein and can even help with weight loss.

That’s because it contains L-carnitine.

L-carnitine works with the mitochondria of each cell to break down and eliminate body fat.

And it helps protect the liver against powerful toxins.

Some other great sources of zinc are oysters and poultry.

When it comes to poultry at the grocery store, I’ve seen it going for as low as $1.99 a pound.

Was it 100% organic and free range?


Is it still better than 99% of the foods out there?


Again, when it comes to stocking up, just do the best you can with the budget you have.

I bought over 5lbs for less than $10 and it’s going to last me a LONG time.

And whatever you don’t use right away, just throw it in the freezer.

Immunity-Booster #5 - The "Most Potent" Against Viruses

This one hits close to home.

My wife recently got sick and was in bed for three days straight.

And so, with a 5-year old and 3-year old at home (all schools have been cancelled) all day long, I NEEDED her to get back on her feet.

So here’s what she did…

She took a raw clove of garlic…

Dipped it in honey…

And ate it.

Yeah, it was gross.

Her body smelled like garlic…

It was pouring through her skin…

And yet, she started feeling better in less than 24 hours.

That’s why garlic ranks #1 hands down in it’s potency for killing viruses, bacteria, yeast, fungus and mold.

Now, you don’t have to go eat a bunch of garlic raw… fact, that’s the last thing I would do (trust me, it was NOT pretty).

But what you can do is start adding garlic to your soups, stews, and dinners.

You Want The Most Nutrition & Immune-Boosting Powerfoods You Can Get

Hopefully by now you’re starting to get a good idea of the foods you should be stocking up on…

Why they help boost immunity…

And how they can help you lose weight.

However, I want to make sure you have everything you could possibly need…

So I’m going to dive into a more in-depth list of immune boosting powerfoods that you can get on any budget to make sure you stay safe, stay healthy, and even if the gyms stay closed forever…’ll still lose weight and stomach fat.

Let’s get started…

First, I Want You To Have Apple Cider Vinegar Before Or After Each Meal

20 minutes before or 20 minutes after, whichever works best for you.

Take 1-2 tsp., mix it with 8 oz. of lukewarm water, and drink it through a straw to protect the enamel on your teeth.

Here’s why you want to do this…

Right now, more than ever, we have to make sure that your gut biome is healthy.

So much of your immune system starts in the gut, and if we can support the gut, it’s going to make this so much easier for you.

Apple cider vinegar also helps suppress fat storage by improving insulin sensitivity…

And it helps stabilize blood sugar levels.

The last thing you need is your blood sugar shooting up and down, making you crave more sweet and salty foods.

Next, Start Adding In Ghee & Chia To Your Diet

Ghee is clarified butter and it can be found and almost all grocery stores.

It’s a short-chain fatty acid that’s going to help protect your gut lining and the lining of your cells.

It also helps fill you up so you’re less tempted to snack between meals…

Which is why I love cooking my veggies and eggs in ghee.

Another food you’ll want to stock up on are chia seeds.

Reason being, they’re high in Omega 3’s.

Omega 3’s help lower inflammation, which is exactly what we need as we get older.

They’re also packed with fiber…

And they’re very nutrient-dense while being extremely low in calories.

That's Exactly What You Should Be Focusing On...

How You Can Get the Most Full On The Fewest Number of Calories

Next, you’ll want to load up on 90/10 lean ground beef or ground turkey.

This is all about the protein-to-fat ratio.

You see, while the ketogenic diet has skyrocketed in popularity, there is one drawback that some people struggle with.

When you have plenty of extra fat on your body, and you start eating a lot more dietary fat in the form of butter, cream, and oils, your body basically says…

Hey, all this fat is coming in, so let’s burn that up first.”

And in doing so, it never gets around to burning your stored body fat for energy because you’re eating so much fat in your diet.

Now, I’m not saying to go on a low-fat diet.

In fact, that’s the worst thing you can do.

But you want to find the perfect balance between fat and protein.

And especially if you’re stuck in your house, not exercising a lot, the leaner forms of ground beef and ground turkey will help because they’re higher in protein…

While still filling you up.

You Also Want Glucagon Levels To Be As High As Possible

I want to take a break from the foods and mention something really important that most people don’t know about.

Your body produces a hormone called glucagon.

It’s a fat-burning hormone and yet it’s only released when you’re NOT eating.

So if you’re snacking all day long…

Or eating 5-6 small, “healthy” meals a day…

Your body likely isn’t producing much glucagon.

And while it’s not the only reason for the obesity epidemic here in America, it is one of the main reasons.

Especially for those over 50, you’re simply not letting your body produce enough glucagon in order to burn fat.

Plain and simple.

It’s like trying to drive your car uphill with the parking brake on.

Is it possible?


It is extremely hard while doing an incredible amount of damage to your vehicle?


Same with glucagon.

As soon as you release the “brakes” in your body, it will naturally start burning fat.

So keep that in mind as you’re going throughout your day.

Whenever you get the urge to eat, ask yourself…

Am I really hungry?

Or are you just following the clock and eating when you normally do?

Remember, even snacking on carrot sticks, an apple, or an orange kills your glucagon production and brings fat-burning down.

It’s time to start listening to your stomach and only eat when you are truly hungry.

Let's Wrap This Up With 3 "Power Nutrients" You Need In Your Diet ASAP

The first nutrient is betaine.

Betaine is one of the most powerful nutrients because it not only helps kill pathogens (aka the bad guys)...

It also increases the acid in your stomach.

Here’s why that’s important…

When you eat food, it gets processed through the digestive system and ends up in your stomach.

From there, your stomach acid breaks down the food and absorbs the nutrients.

However, most people over 50 have very low stomach acid.

Your body naturally produces less and less stomach acid as the years go by.

When you have low stomach acid, your body doesn’t break down food as well…

You don’t absorb the nutrients…

And the food can just sit there and basically rot away.

However, when your stomach acid is high, your body breaks down EVERYTHING…

It uses what it needs…

And gets rid of the waste.

Some of us are walking around with 10-15 extra pounds on our body simply because we’re not getting rid of enough waste.

So making sure you get plenty of betaine is the first step.

Some great sources of this nutrient are beets, spinach, beef and shrimp.

The Next "Power Nutrient" You Need Is Lecithin

Remember how earlier I told you that egg yolks were a great source of zinc?

Well, they’re a great source of lecithin as well…

Which is why eggs are the perfect food…

And it’s why I eat at least 5 of them a day.

Lecithin is important because it helps stimulate bile production.

Bile is a digestive liquid in your body that helps break down fat and remove toxins.

Pretty important, right? Well...

Most People Over 50 Have Thick, Toxic & Congested Bile That Makes It Almost Impossible To Break Down Fat

Think of bile like dishwasher soap.

You add it in and it magically cleans all the dishes and removes all the dirt and grease.

That’s what clean, free-flowing bile does.

Now, instead of using dishwashing soap, imagine using motor oil instead.

Unfortunately, most of us are walking around with bile that looks more like thick, sludgy motor oil and it’s stopping us from burning fat.

In order to clean that up, one thing you can do is get more lecithin in your diet.

I already mentioned egg yolks, but other great sources include brussels sprouts, organ meats, and lamb.

The Next "Power Nutrient" You Need Is Taurine

While we’re on the topic of bile, let’s talk about one more nutrient that will help thin yours out so you can start burning fat again…

And that’s taurine.

Taurine has been proven to stimulate bile production…

Which helps eliminate chemicals detoxified by the liver…

And it helps get rid of the toxins that threaten your immunity.

Recent research also shows that it helps regulate blood pressure, act as a potent antioxidant, and even has protective effects on coronary heart disease.

So next time you go to the grocery store, make sure to put some dark meat chicken, dark meat turkey, scallops, and white fish in your cart.

When You Combine All These Nutrients Together Something Magical Happens

Obviously, they help boost your immunity so you’re less likely to get sick…

But they also activate a dormant hormone in your body called Hormone Sensitive Lipase, otherwise known as HSL.

HSL is a complex chemically structured enzyme that acts as a catalyst for the breakdown of fat in your body.

Here’s how it works…

In each one of your fat cells is hormone sensitive lipase.

HSL is just hanging out in your fat cell, ready to rock and roll

However, he’s “hormone sensitive”.

That means he’s not activated until acted upon by a hormone.

Basically, you have this powerful fat-burning hormone that’s hanging out inside each one of your fat cells…

Yet he can’t do his job unless  he’s activated.

Think of it like the military reserve.

They’re just waiting to be called upon to go into battle.

But if they never get the call, then they’re stuck in their battle stations, unable to act.

It’s the same with HSL.

It wants to be activated so it can start burning up your fat, but if you never activate it, then it’ll just sit there waiting for the call.

That’s why so many of us are sitting with 20, 30, or 40lbs of extra fat on our body…

We have HSL ready to go to battle against the buldge for us, but we never give them the call.

Well, that’s the beauty of the grocery shopping list I gave you earlier.

When you start eating more of those foods I mentioned…

And combine them in special and unique ways…

Then you automatically keep your insulin levels low, which helps activate HSL.

And when HSL is activated, it’s ready to roll…

That’s how you lose 5 to 10 pounds in a single week…

You basically woke up a sleeping giant that’s ready to take on your belly fat once and for all.

And the more you keep this hormone activated, the more body fat you will lose.

Once I Stumbled Upon This Fat-Burning Breakthrough, I Had To Start Testing It As Soon As Possible

First, I put together a simple 20-day protocol that mixed and matched all the vitamins, nutrients, and foods that I mentioned here today…

Along with a few special drinks that help block fat storage.

Because whether you’re in a self-quarantine or not, the science said that this should work no matter what.

And if I could help people lose 2-10 pounds a week while sitting on their butts most of the day, then maybe this could help put a dent in the obesity epidemic that’s plagued us for decades.

So, I went through all my past clients and people who had purchased my programs…

And I sent them a simple email that said…

“If you let the weight creep back on, or if you have 30 or more pounds to lose, I have a new “beta program” that I want you to try.”

After getting over 200 responses, I whittled it down to the 40 women and men who had the most weight to lose.

I wanted to keep the group relatively small to make sure everyone got the personal attention they deserved.

And within the first week, I was shocked.

Julie's Pants Were So Much Looser In The First Week

She said, "I measured my belly today, it's down one and a half inches.

Is that even possible?"

Lois Lost 13 Pounds and Was Feeling Better Than Ever

She said, "I am doing great and have lost 13 pounds.

You are really helping me!"

Diane Was On Disability and Lost 10 Pounds Off Her 40 Pound Goal

She said, "I am disabled and I need to lose about 40 pounds and I don't have income coming in, just my husband's disability.

I thank you for the help and information.

I have lost 10 pounds and still going, thank you."

Jane Lost 8 Pounds In The First 7 Days While Still Enjoying Wine Every Night After Work

She said, "I'm up to 8lbs in 7 days.

I'm not hungry and am having my glass or two of wine after work which is great.

I have lost more weight on this than any other diet so please share my news."

Laura Lost 15 Pounds And Fit Into Her Size 4 Jeans

She said, "I've lost close to 15 pounds and fit into my size 4 jeans."

And Eddy Lost An Amazing 19lbs & 19 Inches Of Fat Off Her Body While Cutting Her Blood Pressure Meds In Half

She said, "I'm down another 2 pounds this week and 3/4 inch...

That's a total of 19 pounds and 19.5 inches overall.

It's been easy to stay on track.

All in all, I feel great!"

Look, I'm not sharing all these success stories to try and impress you...

I Just Want To Show You That If You're Not Losing As Much Weight As You'd Like...

Or if you’ve been stuck at a specific weight and can’t get it to budge no matter what you try…

The only reason is that you haven’t gotten HSL activated in your body yet.

That’s it.

Your HSL is hiding there in your fat calls and it’s just waiting to be called into duty.

But you have to be the one to give him the call.

And so, if you’ve tried dozens of other diet or workout plans…

Maybe you’ve even done a weekend detox or cleanse…

If it didn’t work long term, it’s only because no one ever told you about HSL and exactly how it works.

And if no one ever told you, then how were you supposed to know?

This isn’t something they teach in health class…

Heck, they don’t even teach this in medical school.

It took a group of dedicated researchers and scientists to even discover this hormone just a short time ago.

And yet, it’s the hidden key that unlocks everything…

The body you desire…

The comfortable weight you want to be at…

The stomach of your dreams…

Now Before I Go, Here's A Quick Recap

Jot this down so you don’t forget any of the important parts.

First, I want you to stop obsessing over carbs, protein and calories.

This is where most people get messed up.

They think if they just eat a certain number of calories, or protein, then they’ll lose weight.

Which is why it’s always such a struggle, and why low calorie diets never work long term.

Instead, I want you to eat the most nutrient-rich foods you can.

And eat them until you’re full and satisfied.

Don’t worry about calories.

Your body is designed to tell you when you’re full.

And that’s exactly what it will do when you start eating enough of the right vitamins, nutrients and trace minerals.

Just to recap, the most important ones are:



Vitamin A, C and D





And you want to get plenty of Omega 3’s, like those found in ghee.

That’s the first step.

When you start eating more foods that are packed with those vitamins and nutrients…

Your pants will start to get looser…

Your face will thin out…

You can even drop a dress size or two in less than a month…

Just Like Michelle Who Dropped 4 Sizes In 4 Weeks

She said, "Oh by the way...

I'm not sure how much weight I've lost (I don't have a scale), but I've gone from a size 20 to a size 16!"

Next, We Want To Raise Your Glucagon Levels

Remember, glucagon is a fat-burning hormone inside your body and it’s only released when you’re not eating.

That’s why I never bought into the 5-6 small meals a day hype.

It doesn’t “jumpstart” your metabolism, it kills it.

That’s why it’s better to eat a little more at your meals and cut out snacking the best you can.

Because when you do, glucagon goes up and your body fat starts to go down.

That’s what happened to Laura.

She followed the protocol and wrote in to say…

And Then There's Pam, Who Completely Blew My Mind By Losing 10lbs In The First 3 Days

Next, along with glucagon, we want to activate Hormone Sensitive Lipase in your body.

Remember, HSL is like the military reserve.

They’re very powerful, they can do A LOT of good for you, but they have to be called into action first.

They have to be “activated” to active duty.

It’s the same with HSL.

It’s hanging out in your fat cells right now…

They’re in enemy territory, just waiting to strike…

But you need to give them the “green light” first.

And once you do that, then the extra body fat starts coming off.

All you have to do is follow those three steps and the weight will start coming off…

Whether you’re 45 years old…

Or 85 years old…

Whether you have 15 pounds to lose…

Or 50.

Whether you’re currently suffering from joint pain and can’t exercise…

Or whether you’re super busy and don’t want something that takes over most of your day.

When it comes to my most frustrated clients who are at their wits end, tired of being ripped off, and just want something that works from someone they can trust…

This is the process we always follow.

And it works, 99% of the time.

So, if you’ve stuck with me this long, here’s what I want to do for you.

I Took Everything We Talked About Here Today & Put It Into a Simple Done-For-You Protocol That Anyone Can Follow Called The 20-Day Kickstart

The 20-Day Kickstart is an easy to follow protocol that resets your metabolism no matter how old you are, increases your fat-burning glucagon levels, and activates your HSL for effortless slimming.

Each day, you’ll have a specific plan laid out for you.

Nothing complicated.

Nothing hard.

You’ll simply follow the same strategy that has worked for over 500 women and men already.

No overwhelm…

No confusion…

And no stress.

You’ll likely start losing fat in the first 24-48 hours…

And it’ll continue for the entire 20 days.

Depending on how closely you follow the program, some people have lost 5-10 pounds…

Others have lost 20-32lbs.

That’s a lot of weight in a short amount of time because your body is basically getting rid of what it doesn’t need anymore - layers and layers of extra body fat.

Here’s how it works to virtually guarantee you’ll see incredible results in the next 20 days.

Here's Exactly What You'll Receive When You Pick Up Your Copy Of The 20-Day Kickstart Today

Step #1 - Morning Reset Tonics

It’s really important to start your day with the right nutrients and minerals.

Otherwise, you’ll experience more cravings, your blood sugar will shoot up and down, which will lead to more snacking...and that’s the vicious cycle we want to get away from.

Instead, you’ll simply make a Morning Reset tonic in less than 60 seconds to kickstart your day.

These are really powerful and haven’t been seen anywhere else.

Step #2 - 20-Day Kickstart Plan

Next, you’ll receive the 20-Day Kickstart protocol…

This is a detailed meal plan that will tell you exactly what to eat and when to eat it.

Remember all those critical nutrients I told you about earlier?

Lecithin, L-carnitine, zinc, taurine and betaine?

Well, instead of you trying to figure out all the foods you need to eat to get enough of those nutrients…

I did all the hard work so you won’t have to.

So you’ll receive a full and detailed plan of exactly what to eat and drink every day.

And the best part is, you can mix and match the meals however you like to fit your schedule.

You’ll know the exact foods and delicious meals you should eat every week to make sure you’re losing inches off your waist and your stomach as quickly as possible.

Now, this program along with the Morning Reset tonics is more than enough to get the extra weight off your body. However...

I Want To Make Sure You Have Everything You Need - So I'm Including the Following Bonuses Absolutely FREE

Bonus #1 - 20-Day Kickstart Slimming Smoothie Recipes

I know how busy you are…

And sometimes it just isn’t possible to spend an hour making a meal.

Especially when you factor in prep time, eating the meal, and cleaning up afterwards.

So what I did was create an entire recipe book of emergency smoothies.

These can be used as a meal replacement or as a creamy dessert when you’re in a pinch and want something sweet.

Smoothies are always on the menu at our house and these take less than three minutes to make.

Bonus #2 - 5-Day Soup Diet

This program is really powerful and it’s something you can do before or after the 20-Day Kickstart.

It’s based on the latest research from Penn State University, which showed that eating soup can trick your body into feeling full about 400 calories sooner than it normally would.

That’s because when you mix the broth with certain foods, it takes up more room in your stomach and fills you up faster.

Bonus #3 - Morning Toners Home Workout Series

One of the biggest lies is that you have to do hours of exercise or tons of cardio to lose weight.

That’s completely not true.

What I’ve found is that when you do short little bursts of low-intensity exercise…

Your body tones and firms up quickly…

You easily maintain your sexy lean muscle

And it helps burn off the fat around your belly.

That’s why I put together a series of short, no-equipment toning workouts that you can do right at home in just a few minutes.

You don’t need any equipment

You don’t need to drive to the gym

You don’t need a lot of space

And you don’t need a lot of time.

Just a follow along with me for two minutes and you’ll be set for the rest of the day.

Bonus #4 - 60 Days of Personal Coaching & Support

Have you noticed a troubling trend in the weight loss community?

As soon as you buy a program, it becomes almost impossible to get your questions answered.

Forget talking to the person who actually created the program…

Bonus #5 - 60-Second Plateau Fix

Has your weight loss ever stalled or plateau’d?

It’s really frustrating, isn’t it?

You’re eating healthier…

You’re exercising more…

You’re doing everything right…

And yet, the scale doesn’t budge.

Whenever someone comes to me for help, this is always the first question they have…

“Can you help me break through my plateau?”

Or, “I’m stalled and I’ve been stuck at the same weight for months”.

Since I get this question all the time…

And since I’ve helped thousands of people break through their worst weight loss stalls…

I’ve come up with a few tricks and techniques to break through any stall in 60 seconds or less.

Because honestly, it usually comes down to making one or two small little tweaks that gets your body burning fat again.

So if you’ve been suffering from a weight loss stall for days…


Even months…

And if you want to fix it in less than a minute…

Then you’ll want to make sure you go through this bonus material first…

Before you start the 20-Day Kickstart…

And we’ll get the scale moving down in the right direction again.

To Recap...

When you pick up your copy of the 20-Day Kickstart today…

You’ll receive the Morning Reset Tonic recipes

The Replacement Smoothie Recipe Book…

The 5-Day Rapid Soup Diet…

The Morning Toners follow along workout videos…

The 60-days of personal support and coaching from me…

Plus the 60-Second Plateau Fix all for free.

When You Add Everything Up It Comes To Over $297

And that would actually be a huge bargain…

A recent study showed that the average person spends over $10,000 on weight loss over their entire lives…

And I actually think that’s pretty low.

When you think about personal trainers who charge $50-$100 for a single session…

When you think about all the diet cookbooks sitting on your shelves…

Along with all the food you buy every week…

The prescription medications…

The doctor visits…

And if you’ve ever hired a dietician or a nutritionist, you know they definitely aren’t cheap.

Yet none of those other options ever talk about glucagon, HSL, or nutrients like taurine, beatine, or zinc.

They just tell you to cut back on calories…

Eat more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains…

And exercise more.

While that all sounds logical, if it actually worked, we wouldn’t be in the middle of the obesity epidemic we’re in today.

You have to know there’s something more…

There's Another Piece To the Puzzle You've Been Missing

Another piece to the puzzle that you’ve been missing.

In a perfect world, we’d all have perfect hormones…

A perfect metabolism…

And we could just eat sensibly and lose weight.

Unfortunately, that just doesn’t happen.

That’s why it’s to important to have someone in your corner who cares about your results as much as you do.

It’s best if this person isn’t a family member or close friend.

Because they’ll let you off the hook way too easily 🙂

Instead, it’s better to have someone who has a keen interest in your results and will help keep you on track.

That’s where I come in.

If all this did was show you how to lose the extra weight…

Keep it off for good…

And give you the tools so you can easily do this on your own for the rest of your life…

How much would that be worth to you?

Even though this program has a $297 value…

I just don’t feel right charging that much.

Especially in these economic times.

In fact, I’m not even going to charge half of that.

And while my personal coaching programs range anywhere from $495 to $997…

I’m going to wave that fee entirely.

Because the more people who join the program, the more I can help.

And together we can help get the message out there that you don’t have to suffer in silence.

I don’t mean to sound alarming, but we’re in a global crisis…

Especially when it comes to our health.

Together We Can Start Getting This Turned Around And It Starts With You

So I took the $297 price tag…

And I cut it in half…

Then I cut it in half again…

I just wanted to make sure anyone who’s remotely interested is able to join this program.

So when you pick up your copy of the 20-Day Kickstart today, through this page only…

You’ll pay a one-time-only price of just $37.

Now, before you place your order…

Let’s do this.

I want to get this message out there…

So if you promise to tell at least one person about this program IF - and only if - it works for you…

Then you won’t pay the heavily discounted price of just $37.

Nope, instead you’ll pay just $15 to get instant access to the entire 20-Day Kickstart system plus all 6 FREE bonuses.

Simply click the button below to lock in your savings and get started today.

$97 $37 $15

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John & His Wife Lost Over 25 Pounds At The Age Of 58

They said, "I've lost my belly fat and now I'm trying to get fitter.

Was 15.3 stones at Christmas, now at 13.5 stones everyday.

It's working so thanks for your help."

Karen Lost 48 Pounds After Trying Every Diet Possible

She said, "Hi Derek, I did very well with your lifestyle change.

I lost 48 pounds...

I had tried every "diet" and yours was the best for me.

I feel great and look good too.

Thank you, I have my life back, blessings and hugs."

So as you can see, this is working for real men and women out there who were struggling with their weight and didn’t know where to turn.

I Want To Include One Last "Super Bonus" Because I Want You To Be Covered From All Angles

You see, a couple weeks ago I read a story about a woman who lost over 100 pounds by walking.

But she didn’t go outside and walk miles every day.

Nope, it was winter time…

The sidewalks and roads were full of snow and ice…

And so, she was basically stuck in her house.

Yet she still found a way to get over 15,000 steps in a day.

And the fat just melted off.

Same with me.

I went from 215 pounds down to 177lbs and my primary “exercise” was…


Just not traditional walking.

I Started Doing These Home Walking Workouts That Engage Your Entire Body So You Burn More Calories

Before I knew it, I was getting 3,000 steps in in less than 15 minutes…

And not only was it a lot of fun - which is why I stuck with it for over a year now…

But since they were working so well, I started recording the workouts so that others could use them to.

So, when you pick up your copy of the 20-Day Kickstart today at the heavily discounted price of just $37…

I’m also going to include the entire “Walk the Weight Off” home walking workout series.

These home walking workouts are low impact…

You never have to get down on the ground…

You stay on your feet the whole time…

There’s no jumping…

No running…

No jogging in place…

Just simple home walking movements that torch calories like crazy from the comfort of your own home.

This program hasn’t been released yet and so no one has gotten their hands on it.

Yet I want to include it today because who knows how long we’re all going to be stuck inside our homes…

And you can do these 1,000 step walking workouts in your bedroom…

In your living room…


As long as you have a foot or two of space, that’s all you need.

There’s no equipment required.

All that’s required is that you have at least 5 minutes, then just press Play and follow along with me.

The best part is, the “workouts” are done before you know it 🙂

If You Want The Entire 20-Day Kickstart Plus All 6 FREE Bonuses...

So if you want the entire 20-Day Kickstart System…

Plus all the free bonuses, which again includes…

The Keto Smoothie Recipe Book…

The 5-Day Rapid Soup Diet…

The Morning Toners follow along workout videos…

60-days of personal support from me and my team…

The 60-Second Plateau Fix

Plus the “Walk the Weight Off” home walking workout series…

All for a one-time-only discounted price of just $37…

Then simply click the big yellow button below…

Enter in your payment information into our 100% secure order form…

And you’ll receive instant access to the entire program.

$97 $37 $15

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Now, I Know You Might Be Thinking...

Derek, I’ve tried EVERYTHING…

I’m extremely skeptical, so what happens if this doesn’t work for me?

That’s a valid concern…

Who knows how many times you’ve been ripped off by people who have promised you the world and didn’t deliver on the amazing results you were looking for.

So here’s what I’m going to do.

Along with the full 60 days of support from me…

Which means you can ask me as many questions as you want for two whole months…

I’m also going to include a 60-Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee.

Look, if something doesn’t work for you…

You shouldn’t have to pay for it.

That’s just how I feel.

And so, you can go through the entire 20-Day Kickstart up to THREE times…

And if you don’t get the results you want…

Or if you realize that the program just isn’t a great fit for you.

Then just let me know, and you’ll get a full 100% refund with no questions asked.

That way, you can try out the program on me, and you only pay if you’re happy with the results.

Michelle kept repeating the program over and over again for almost three months because it was working so well…

And in the end…

She lost 20 pounds…

24 inches of fat off her stomach, waist and thighs..

And two sizes.

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So If You're Looking For Something New, Something Different That Finally Works When Everything Else Doesn't...

Then go ahead and click the button below…

Try out the 20-Day Kickstart for a full 60 days…

And if it doesn’t get you the exact results you’re looking for, then you pay nothing.

Now, our time together today is almost over…

And going forward, you really only have two options…

Leading you to two very different lives.

One is a lifetime of health, energy, living in a body that has no limitations.

You wake up feeling great every morning…

You have the energy to do everything you want to do during the day…

Whether that’s being more active…

Getting everything done around the house…

Running your errands with ease…

Without getting tired, 

Without nagging aches and pains…

And without needing to take breaks throughout the day

Where you love your body…

You’re no longer shackled to restrictive crash diets…

And where you’re in control of your body and your life for the first time in what feels like forever.

The other option, well….that’s just a continuation of the life you have now.

Option #1 Is You Can Keep Doing What You're Doing Now

You can try and figure this all out for yourself…

You can spend hours watching the millions of free Youtube videos…

You can keep following whatever diet you’re on now…

And hope and pray that the results turn out differently.

While you stay stuck in your own body…


Feeling yourself getting heavier week after week, no matter what you try.

In stressful times like these, that’s not what I want for you.

And I know you don’t want that either.

Remember, the average person spends over $10,000 in their attempt to lose weight…

For some, it’s over $100,000 over the course of their lifetime…

That’s the financial cost if you choose to do nothing.

The medical bills only get bigger as you get older…

And with the healthcare system in a crisis, that’s not going to change anytime soon.

Is that really a risk you want to take just to save a few bucks today?

The truth is, you can pretend none of this bothers you…

That you’re completely satisfied with your body and your weight…

And if you are content with how things are going, then maybe option #1 is the best for you.

However, If You Want Something More...

Then you’ll want to consider taking option #2

Which is where I do all the hard work for you…

And you simply follow a proven plan that’s been working for women and men at your age…

In your same physical condition…

That can make a dramatic difference in your life…

With me here guiding you every step of the way.

And just imagine the difference this will make in your life.

No more wondering what to eat every day…

No more wondering what you’re “doing wrong”...

No more beating yourself up…

And no more feeling guilty.

No more counting calories…

No more tracking your food…

And no more worrying what other people think.

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This Path Is A Lot Easier Because You Don't Have To Figure Anything Out Anymore

I’ve already done all of that for you.

And since you’ll have direct access to me throughout the entire program…

Plus an extra 40 days afterwards…

Then if for some reason it doesn’t work for you…

You can just blame it on me, get your money back, and keep the entire program as my gift to you.

The choice is up to you.

If this feels like a good fit, then simply click the button below…

Enter in your payment information…

And I’ll be waiting on the inside to help you get started.

Remember, this program is 100% digital…

You will not be sent anything in the mail…

And the payment of just $37 is a one-time-only payment.

You will not be billed again unless you choose to buy something else.

Over 9,000 women and men have used this same formula to get rid of the stubborn pounds…

The extra weight…

And in stressful times like these…

The best thing you can do is focus on your own health…

And get rid of the dangerous fat that will continue to pile on unless you do something about it.

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The Time To Take Action Is Now

And if you want someone to help you along the way, then this is the time…

Because as I mentioned earlier, my personal coaching ranges from $495 to $997…

And I’m including it today as a free bonus.

I can only do this for a small number of people…

Because with a 3 and 5 year old at home, my “free time” is very limited.

So don’t wait or put this off until tomorrow…

Because I can’t promise it’ll still be here.

I don’t want to spread myself too thin…

And I want to get everyone who joins the attention they deserve.

So by now, you know whether this kickstart program is a good fit for you or not.

Trust your gut.

Do what’s best for you.

If you decide not to join…

That’s ok 🙂

Hopefully you took some notes earlier…

And you can use those to get started.

Otherwise, you can join in the fun…

And kickstart your fat loss over the next 20 days.

I’m not asking for a 6 month commitment from you…

Or 90 days…

Or even 30 days.

All I’m asking is for a short 20 day commitment from you to get in the best shape of your life in the simplest way possible.

There are no complicated meal plans that force you to spend hours in the kitchen prepping meals…

You do not have to spend hundreds of dollars at the grocery store…

Buying organic fruits and vegetables and grass-fed meats…

And you do not have to spend hours a day exercising.

You Can Do This On A Tight Budget

You can do this whether you have 15 pounds to lose or 50+...

And you can do this no matter what physical condition you’re in.

I’ve had plenty of people in wheelchairs, on disability, unable to walk…

Yet they still got great results because this program is customized to you and your needs.

It’s also where my personal coaching comes in.

So if you want to follow a proven plan that’s extremely simple…

If you want someone in your corner who actually cares about you…

Who can show you exactly what to do if you stall or plateau…

Click the big yellow button below…

And I’ll be on the inside waiting for you.

We’re going to do this together…

And I can’t wait to help you.

Thank you for your time today…

I really appreciate you spending the last hour here with me.

Hopefully you learned something new…

And remember, stay safe out there.

Derek Wahler, CTT

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I Wanted To Take A Minute And Answer Some Of The Most Common Questions About The 20-Day Kickstart Program

So number one, is the 20-Day Kickstart right for me?

I get this question a lot…

First, do you have 15 or more pounds to lose?

And if you do, have you struggled to lose it on your own?

If that sounds like you, then the 20-Day Kickstart is right for you.

Look, maybe you’ve tried the keto diet and eating that much fat didn’t work for you…

Or maybe you tried Paleo or a high-protein diet and that didn’t work either.

As we talked about earlier, the secret is activating the fat-burning hormones like HSL that’s lying dormant in your fat cells right now.

Most traditional “diets” don’t turn on these fat-burning hormones and it’s why dieting doesn’t work for most people.

The 20-Day Kickstart will help you with that.

Is This Program Safe For Me To Do?

First, I want to make it clear that I am not a medical doctor.

You should always check with your doctor first about starting any new weight loss program.

However, people in their mid 30’s all the way up to their mid 80’s have used this program and experienced incredible results.

The only side effect is they have to go out and buy new jeans…

New shirts…

And new blouses…

Because the old ones don’t fit right anymore.

Do I Have To Be In Shape To Get Started?

Absolutely not.

In fact, most people aren’t.

Most of those who start this program have at least 15 or more pounds to lose…

Some have 25 pounds to lose…

Others have 50+ pounds to lose.

It doesn’t matter where you’re starting from.

Whether you’re a beginner or whether you’ve tried dozens of programs in the past.

I’m here to help you, and you do not have to be in great shape to get started.

What If I Lose Weight Too Fast?

Now this may seem silly to you, but it is a valid concern for some who take prescription medications that are tied to their weight.

On average, most people lose 3-11 pounds in the first week.

Everyone is different and so I can’t guarantee any specific results…

Yet those are the averages for the first 7 days.

And we can always modify the program specifically for you if rapid fat loss is a concern.

Just reach out to me after you pick up the program and we can discuss in more detail.

How Does The Money Back Guarantee Work?

If you go through the program and don’t get the results you want…

Or maybe you realize that it’s just not a great fit for you…

Then all you have to do is send me an email and we’ll give you a full and prompt refund with no questions asked.

That way you can try out the program on me…

And you only pay if you get the results you want.

So if you’re ready to get started…

Simply click the button below…

And I’ll see you on the inside.

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Scientific References:


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© 2020 & Beyond, Derek Wahler Fitness, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Individual Results can vary person to person and testimonials in this presentation are not claimed to represent standard or typical results. All testimonials shown are real life people and may not reflect the average buyer's experience, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that everyone who buys will experience the same or similar results to those shown in the testimonials. The experiences shown in the sales video and sales letter from other people may not reflect the typical users' experience because everyone is unique.  Due to recent statements from the FTC, it is required that we identify what a typical result is. The truth is most people never take action with the products they purchase online, so most of the time the typical results for losing weight weight loss is zero. The ability to follow through with the program plays a big factor. As the saying goes, you get what you put into it.  The results that are shown in video presentation and sales letter are meant to show you what the most motivated 20-Day Kickstart users have experienced. The truth is that most men and women who strictly follow the program may lose 1 to 1.5 pounds a week. Also, as with all things you should take the time to do your own research. 

The contents of this site are for informational purposes only, and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider regarding a medical condition, suspected medical condition, and before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, or before taking or stopping any medication. Reliance on any information provided by this site and others appearing on the site is solely at your own risk. The site and its contents are provided on an "as is" basis.

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.