If You're Over 50 & Struggling With Belly Fat...

Eat These Foods To Burn Fat While You Sleep

Drop 1 Size In 1 Week Guaranteed

  • Discover the Super-Healing "Celery Juice" That Speeds Digestion for Quicker Slimming
  • Drink This NEW "Red Water" & Drop 14lbs Like Michelle (see below)
  • The 10-Second Homemade "Apple Tea" That Helps STOP Hormonal Weight Gain
  • Two "Missing Minerals" That Help Smooth Cellulite After 50
  • The "Classic Chocolate" You Should Add to Smoothies (Increases Metabolism & Blocks Fat Storage)

Did you know certain foods will help you burn fat while you sleep?

It’s true, in fact you can start burning fat in the next 24 hours by simply eating more of these foods starting today.

Did you know eating these “foods” are actually the secret to losing weight?

Even better…

I’m going to give you a handful of these foods right here in this letter.

That’s because after eating these foods myself, I know how powerful they are.

They’ve worked for me, a  38 year old single dad who went from 215lbs to 170lbs…

And they’ve worked for over 500 women and men in the last year alone...

...who “tested” these foods under my close supervision.

The average weight loss in the first week was 8.7 pounds.

Don’t worry, these foods aren’t expensive…

They’re not exotic, which means you can find them at any grocery store…

And they work...fast!

So if you’re looking for a way to lose weight…

And more importantly, burn fat…

That doesn’t involve any exercise…

And is really easy to stick with...

So you don't have to rely on willpower or self-discipline...

Then this is for you.

All You Have To Do Is Eat These Unique Foods & Watch the Pounds Melt Away

It’s helped women in their 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s drop up to 30 pounds or more in just a few months…

...and I have the stories to prove it.

I’ll share them with you in a minute, because I’m sure you’re skeptical (like I was when I first heard about this 3 years ago)...

And I'll Give You Specific Instructions On How to Get Started

Each section below will address a specific problem.

And I’ll give you a specific food or drink...

That’ll help get rid of that problem for good (as long as you stick with it of course).

No tricks...

No miracle cures that don’t work...

Just simple steps that you can start using today.

Before we get into the specific foods...

Let's cover the basics.

That way, you know what's going on in your own body.

The Female Metabolism Is Slower Than a Man's

Don’t kill the messenger, but most women are born with a slower metabolism than men.

In fact...

I just read a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition...

Which followed a group of overweight men and women who tried 4 different diet programs.

Two months into the study...

No matter the diet...

The men lost more weight than the women…

And they lost 3 times more fat [1].

This is mainly due to the hormonal changes women go through compared to men…

Along with generally having a slower metabolism.

According to a 2016 Yale University review...

Pre-menopausal women have much higher levels of estrogen and progesterone [2]…

Which contributes to stronger food cravings than men.

These female food cravings can lead to eating an extra 230 calories per day on average…

Which can result in gaining an extra 10-20 pounds a year.

After 50 Years Old, Your Body Is Designed To Hoard Fat

You can thank your ability to reproduce for this one.

Women have much more stubborn fat than men…

Which is easy to understand after reading the studies above…

Where men could easily lose weight going on a diet, and women did not.

You see, women have 3 separate hormones that make losing weight very difficult.

I address each of those hormones below, but just know this…

Whether you want to lose weight, burn fat faster, or drop a few dress sizes…

One of the WORST things you can do is go on a low-calorie diet.

A few weeks ago, a woman emailed me out of the blue, wondering why in the world she couldn’t lose weight.

She was at her wits end, pulling her hair out because nothing was working for her.

After a few emails back and forth, she told me that she was only eating 800 calories a day.

When I asked why she was eating so few calories, she said…

“Because I wasn’t losing weight when I was eating 1,200 calories”.

And honestly, that’s what most people do.

If you’re counting your calories and not losing weight... 

Then it seems logical to keep eating fewer calories until the number on the scale starts going down.

Here’s why cutting way back on calories will slow down your weight loss even more.

Cutting Calories But Not Losing Weight?

Most people assume as long as you eat less then you will lose weight.

Here’s the secret:

That only works the first time you try it.

Have you ever cut back on calories, lost some weight, and assumed you finally had this all figured out?

Until your weight loss slows down…

You plateau…

And then the weight doesn’t come off no matter how “low calorie” you go.

Every time you go on a low-calorie diet, you slow down your fat-burning metabolism.

In fact, the easiest way to kill your metabolism is to diet.

As you cut back on calories, your body adjusts, and you burn fewer calories throughout the day.

Basically, when you go low-calorie, you’re robbing your body of the nutrients and vitamins it needs.

And it can make you feel:

  • Super-low on energy
  • Exhausted
  • Irritated easily
  • Hungry all the time
  • Stressed more often than you'd like

The truth is…

Calories don’t control weight loss.

Your hormones do.

These "Belly Triggers" Cause You To Gain Weight After 50

We all have 3 main fat-storing hormones. 

The good news is, as long as you can keep these hormonal levels low, your body will start to burn fat.

You don’t have to go on a low-calorie diet…

You don’t have to eat a ton of veggies every day…

And you don’t have to give up your favorite foods forever.

Nope, just get these hormones in check and the fat-burning will take care of itself.

Belly Trigger #1 - Bile

If you have unwanted fat on your body...

It may be a sign that your bile isn't working right.

1) Bile Is The Forgotten Switch

Bile is a liquid produced by the liver to break down the food you eat.

Think of it as a powerful dishwashing soap.

When it's flowing properly, it provides a detergent-like effect in cleaning out the body.

However, it's easy for bile to become thick and congested thanks to eating too many comfort foods, lack of exercise, and simply not taking care of our bodies.

When this happens, your bile is unable to break down fat and you can't digest and absorb the nutrients from food.

They just sit in the stomach and rot.

The worse quality of your bile, the less fat your body can break down, and the more fat your body stores as extra pounds.

But when your bile starts flowing again, everything else comes into balance.

2) Bile's secondary function is toxin removal.

It travels through the body and acts like a garbage truck for toxins...

Swinging by, collecting the garbage, and getting rid of it.

Yet when bile is too thick and unable to flow freely, those harmful toxins can stay in the body and get stored in your fat cells.

When it comes to health, most people don't know about bile and yet it could be the missing piece, because...

When bile is flowing freely in your body, it breaks down fat and removes toxins.

And when it comes to reversing a toxic metabolism and losing stubborn body fat, nothing is more important than bile.

Shauna Fixed Her Bile & Dropped 34 Pounds & 14.5 Inches Of Fat in Just 3 Months

Before meeting Shauna, she was struggling to keep her weight under control.

She weighed over 200 pounds and was depressed with her weight.

It had simply gotten out of control and she was finally ready to make a change, for herself and her family.

So, instead of giving her some low-calorie diet plan, or forcing her to workout every day...

Instead, we focused on fixing her bile.

She started feeling a difference in the first few days.

After just 21 days, she said all her clothes were fitting better, she went down one size on her watch, and was hoping to get her wedding rings back on soon.

Then something amazing happened...

Within just 3 months, Shauna lost 34 pounds...

4 inches off her stomach...

7.75 inches off her waist...

And 3 inches off her thighs.

She was a completely different person and it didn't take years to do this.

Just a simple plan that addressed her bile...

Which was the "missing piece" that no other diet plans bothered to address

Belly Trigger #2 - Too Much Water

A hidden source of being overweight is water weight.

In fact, most who are considered "overweight" aren't actually fat...

You're just holding on to HUGE amounts of hidden "fluid retainers" in your body.


One of the big culprits is monosodium glutamate...

Which can be hidden under a variety of names like modified food starch, autolyzed yeast, hydrolyzed protein, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, carrageenan and yeast extract.

It's present in most protein isolates like soy isolate and whey isolate.

And when you eat out at most restaurants, their sauces, condiments, and cooking oils are FILLED with this harmful chemical.

Plus, you can find it in most boxed foods, canned foods, gravies, mixes, TV dinners, sauces, hot dogs and condiments.

It's a difficult substance to avoid.

When shopping, make sure to read all ingredient labels, so you can avoid this harmful chemical.

Belly Trigger #3 - Estrogen

Estrogen can be a controversial topic because as a woman, you need estrogen. 

Men need estrogen as well.

Yet, if you have too much of it, you’ll notice fat building up around your butt, thighs, and waist.

That’s why women tend to store more fat in their lower body…

While men tend to store it around their belly and love handles.

So while you need estrogen, you don’t want too much of it.

Even crazier…

Our food supply is packed with extra estrogens... 

Which means you’re getting way more than your body produces.

Foods like soy and milk tend to contain excess estrogens and harmful hormones that can interfere with weight loss.

Now that we’ve talked about the problem, let’s talk about how to fix it.

Eat These Specific Foods At Night & Wake Up With a Flatter Stomach in the Morning

Did you know that “prime time” that your body burns fat is while you sleep?

It makes sense if you think about it.

When you sleep, you’re not eating...

So your body finally has a chance to process and digest all your food from the day before.

And once it does that, it can finally start burning up your stored fat.


But Here's What You Probably Didn't Know

Your #1 fat-burning hormone, also known as Human Growth Hormone, spikes when you sleep.

That means your body produces WAY more of this fat-burning hormone while you’re sleeping.

So when you are resting between the sheets, your hormones are busy stripping away your excess fat.

It’s like turning on the dishwasher before you head upstairs to bed.

Then you come back down the next morning to squeaky clean dishes.

You didn’t have to do any work, it was all done for you.

Same with burning fat.

Where most people get tripped up is eating the wrong foods during the day or at night...

Which slows down the fat-burning process while you sleep.

I should know because 10 years ago...

When I was still trying to figure all this out, I would eat a big bowl of Raisin Bran with skim milk before bed.

I figured it was low in fat, had plenty of fiber, and it had some fruit in there with the raisins. 

Seemed like the perfect meal…


All it did was kill my fat-burning throughout the night and I never got down to the weight I wanted to be at.

What's even more frustrating was I had no idea what I was doing wrong.

If You Want to Drop 3 Sizes Quickly, Do THIS...

The other day I was putting in an order for organic beef.

What can I say, I LOVE burgers and steak 🙂

With my order, I had a choice between grass-finished meat, or grain-finished meat.

Grass-finished means the cattle was mainly fed grass.

Grain-finished means they ate grains (think corn, millet, and wheat) for 1-4 weeks.

And right in the brochure it said, “cattle are fed grains to help fatten and plump them up to make juicier cuts of meat”.

If those foods “plump you up”, doesn’t it make sense to avoid them if you’re trying to lose weight?

That’s why if you’re looking to drop a few dress sizes, one secret is to cut out the grains in your diet for at least 30 days.

It’s what I do with my personal clients.

And it’s why Gary was able to drop 38 pounds at the age of 74...

Even better, his blood pressure and cholesterol levels normalized...

He has more energy...

And his arthritic knee no longer troubles him.

So while the weight loss is great, what's even better is improving your quality of life so you can enjoy yourself and those you love.

If You Want to Drop 20 Pounds, Don't Go On Another Strict Diet & Do THIS Instead...

One nutrient that most adults aren't getting nearly enough of is...


Choline is an essential nutrient.

That means it’s required for good health.

And while your liver can make small amounts, the majority of it has to come from your diet.

Which is why so many people aren't getting enough of this super-nutrient.

  • Studies find that people with a diet rich in choline have the lowest inflammation levels. Inflammation leads to weight gain and chronic disease
  • Choline helps increase brain development and long term memory (no more brain fog)
  • It also helps support healthy vision in the eyes

And when it comes to losing weight...

Choline-rich foods like eggs are perfect because they keep your fat-storing hormones low, and..

They stimulate bile production.

Choline works with bile to help break down fat in the body, and...

It's also a "Super Liver-Cleaner".

Your liver is your #1 fat-burning organ in the body, and...

When it's overworked and sluggish, you struggle to burn fat.

Luckily, you can start eating more choline-rich foods and kill two birds with one stone.

It'll help detox your liver, which in turn...

Helps you burn more fat.

That Helped Wendy Drop 12.2lbs in Just 7 Days at the Age of 68

If You Want to Get Your Pre-Menopause Body Back, Drink THIS Every Morning

My friend Amy just turned 41 years old and she’s already dreading menopause.

And while it’s going to happen and there’s not much you can do about it, you do NOT have to give up your body along the way.

That’s the most common misconception I see from women over 50.

Most women think there’s nothing you can do once you reach menopause to have the flat and firm belly you desire.

And that’s completely not true!

Now, while this won’t solve ALL your problems, one thing you can do is…

Drink apple cider vinegar every morning, as well as 20 minutes before meals.

Here’s why…

Apple cider vinegar helps maintain the acid in your stomach.

That’s important because as we get older, our natural levels of stomach acid decrease every year.

And when your body doesn’t have enough stomach acid, it doesn’t break down the food you eat properly, which can lead to:

  • Bloating
  • Indigestion
  • Unwanted weight gain

Apple cider vinegar helps keep your stomach acid strong...

So you can break down and absorb all the nutrients and vitamins from your food.

On top of that…

Drinking ACV every day helps regulate your insulin levels.

Insulin is your main fat-storage hormone, and it’s released every time you eat.

When you consistently drink ACV over a period of time, your body naturally releases LESS insulin when you eat…

Which means you’ll burn more fat.

Christy Lost 20 Pounds & NEVER Feels Hungry

If You Want to Lose Your Belly & Get Down To Your High School Weight, Try THIS...

If you do nothing else for your health, stand up and take an honest measurement of your waist.

Stand up nice and tall, exhale...

And use a soft tape measure to measure the distance around your waist, about an inch above your hip bone.

If Your Waist is 35 or More Inches For Women, Or 40 Or More Inches for Men, You're Carrying Around a Dangerous Amount of Abdominal Fat

This deadly fat that builds up around your organs has been linked to a number of serious diseases...

Such as heart disease, cancer, and dementia.

And since this fat is piling up around your organs, it’s basically “hidden” and unable to see.

That’s why it’s so important to get rid of your belly as soon as possible (do NOT wait on this!)

And the fastest way to do this is by changing up what you eat.

One thing you'll want to do is eat more shellfish and healthy fats.


Because they contain a nutrient called lecithin.

Lecithin is a fatty compound that's the primary agent in bile...

Which means it helps break down fat in the body.

It also helps break down fatty deposits in the liver, so they can be easily eliminated from the body.

When the liver is clear of excess fat, it's able to burn up fat stores in trouble areas like your belly, hips, and thighs.

One of the best sources of lecithin is red meat.

This one simple step helped women like Maxine drop over 10 pounds in just one week WITHOUT exercise.

If You Want to Eliminate Cellulite, Eat THIS For Lunch

Most people are under the assumption that you have to exercise more to get rid of cellulite, however…

That’s completely not true.

Here’s how cellulite works.

Normally you have a layer of connective tissue underneath your skin called fascia.

It’s kinda like saran wrap because it keeps everything held together nice and tight. 

Then you have a layer of fat cells underneath the fascia…

And then you have muscle underneath the fat cells.

When you have cellulite, your fat cells underneath the skin get bigger.

They fill up with fat and they expand.

This stretches out the fascia (the layer of connective tissue above the fat cells).

The fascia begins to separate and the fat pushes up through the fascia.

That’s what gives it it’s dimple effect.

And if you have weak or worn down muscle, it makes it look more jiggly and flabby.

Now Let's Talk About How to Fix It

The first thing you want to do is shrink down your fat cells.

When you burn fat, your fat cells don’t go away.

You just shrink them.

They’re never going to go away, you just want to make them as small as possible.

The difference between you and the woman who’s 125 pounds is simply that her fat cells are smaller than yours.

That should be your #1 focus every single day…

I know it may sound silly, but just ask yourself every morning…

“What can I do today to help shrink my fat cells?”

One of the best things you can do is eat more foods rich in magnesium and potassium.

Most people are deficient in potassium... 

And it makes conditions like cellulite become more common as you age.

Two foods that are high in magnesium and potassium are spinach and avocado.

Michelle Lost 20lbs, 24 Inches & 2 Sizes Using These Same Slimming Secrets

Exercise Is a Bad Way to Lose Weight

Here’s what happens when you rely on exercise to flatten your stomach (aka doing it the hard way).

Back when I was running my own fitness bootcamp, I had a client who came in 6 days a week.

She would workout super hard…

She was covered in sweat at the end of every workout…

And she never missed a class.

One day, she had a head cold and wanted to know if she should rest or “push through” and get her workout in.

I told her to rest.

And she said (while jiggling both hands on her stomach), “When I rest, my belly gets bigger”.

I could tell in her mind that if she took even way day off, that meant her belly was going to get bigger.

And that’s what we’re brainwashed to think when we use exercise as our way of losing weight.

The truth is, only about 10% of your fat-burning results come from exercise.

That’s it.

It’s why I’ve gone WEEKS without exercising and still maintained a lean and flat stomach...

...remember, I used to weigh 215 pounds, I don’t have a flat stomach year round because of great genetics.

And that’s one of the first mental hurdles you have to overcome.

Because as long as you think you have to exercise like crazy to burn fat and lose weight...

Then the harder this is going to be for you.

Or you could take the easy way out, let your fat-burning hormones do all the hard work for you...

And not stress about getting to the gym every day.

Mary Lost 14 Pounds Drinking This NEW "Red Water" Every Night

If You Can't Exercise, Add THIS to Your Smoothie to Help Flatten Your Stomach

Did you know there’s a "brown powder" that actually speeds weight loss and blocks fat storage?

And the best part is…

You can find it for cheap at your local grocery store 🙂

Yep, cocoa powder can actually be the secret key to losing as much weight as you desire.

Here’s how…

1) It revs up your metabolism

Theobromine, a natural stimulant found in cocoa powder, tells the body to burn stored fat for fuel.

Researchers at the University of California at San Diego discovered that...

Adults who consumed chocolate 5x a week weighed 5-7 pounds less on average than those who rarely ate it.

Just make sure you stick with cocoa powder or dark chocolate instead of pounding a bag of M&M’s every night before bed 🙂

2) It BLOCKS fat storage

The polyphenols in cocoa powder help reduce the absorption of carbs and fat into the bloodstream.

That means the carbs aren't likely to be stored as fat.

3) It soothes your hidden inflammation

Inflammation can build up in your body without you feeling a thing.

And the worse part is…

You may not notice or even feel it for YEARS.

That’s why Time Magazine called it the “Silent Killer”.

Yet, consuming cocoa can reduce your hidden chronic inflammation by 33%...

According to researchers in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics.

So start adding some cocoa in with your meals and desserts for a delicious way to slim down this summer.

Karen Lost 48 Pounds After Trying Every Diet Imaginable (This Finally Worked!!)

Karen had been on the "diet rollercoaster" for years...

Trying every new fad while jumping from diet to diet just hoping to lose a few pounds.

Guess what?

Nothing worked because she was following plans created by super-skinny fitness models who don't really know how the female body works.

Instead, once we fixed her bile, flushed out her extra water weight, and started adding more good fats to her meals...

The weight started melting off.

Until before she knew it, she had lost 48 pounds.

Now, While All the Strategies on This Page Work, I Noticed One BIG Problem

For years I’ve been giving away strategies like those listed above, and…

While those foods and drinks will help you burn fat while you sleep...

What I noticed was some people would try them out immediately and actually SEE results…

Which was fantastic!

However, most people either forgot about them a few minutes later…

Or they never took the time to actually try them out.

Life has a habit of getting in the way, and no matter how good your intentions are, sometimes you get sidetracked…

Things come up…

And next thing you know...

You’re at a fast food drive through picking up dinner...

Because you have no energy to cook and just want something fast and easy.

I know because I’ve been there.

So while I’m happy to keep writing articles like this...

That shed the light on female fat-burning and how to jumpstart your weight loss…

I know it can only help so much.

There are too many other missing puzzle pieces in order for you to actually get the results you desire.

So what I did was took all my best kept secrets, strategies, and techniques…

And put them into an easy to use protocol...

Designed specifically for women and men in their 50’s, 60’s, and 70’s to drop up to 11 pounds in the next 10 days.

And when I had my group of beta testers try them out, the results were incredible...

Michele Dropped 4 Sizes in Just 4 Weeks

After spending years sharing these unique and new slimming secrets, I realized I had a difficult choice to make...

I could either keep them to myself, only share them with my high-paying private clients, who were finally seeing their weight drop after years of desperate struggle...

Or, I could push my shyness to the side, put myself out there, and share what I know with the world.

And I chose the latter...

Because there are far too many women and men around the world struggling with their weight and deadly diseases that can be avoided with a few simple tweaks that anyone can do.

And so, over the past year, I went through all the my notes...

All my public speeches...

And each one of my sold-out online workshops...

And I put everything in to a crisp 37 page protocol that's worked for 97% of the women and men who've tried it in the last year alone.

Introducing: The 10-Day Flat Belly Flush

The 10-Day Flat Belly Flush is a done-for-you fat burning protocol...

That you can use well past your 50’s to keep burning fat the older you get.

I find it crazy how most people throw their hands in their air as they get older...

Surrendering to the fact that they’re going to gain weight.

It doesn’t have to be that way!

And after working with hundreds of personal clients…

And helping over 30,000 women with my online programs in the last 5 years alone…

I know that your age doesn’t make a difference.

Your body isn’t working against you…

You just need a strategy that works WITH your female hormones.

You Will Burn Fat Faster Than Running 5 Miles a Day

Here’s the “secret sauce” to this 10-day program…

First, it’s super simple.

That means it’s almost impossible to mess this up.

There aren’t any complicated calorie requirements…

You don’t have to eat at certain times during the day…

You just pick the food options from the plan that sound good to you, and you eat when you’re hungry.

That’s it.

Second, it’s only 10 days.

Can you commit to something for 10 days if you can lose up to one dress size?

Can you commit to 10 days if it means losing an inch of fat or more off your waist?

Can you commit to 10 days if it means losing up to 13 pounds?

If the sugar cravings hit...just tell yourself it’s only 10 days…

If the carb cravings hit...just tell yourself it’s only 10 days…

If the chocolate cravings hit, well... 

That’s ok because chocolate is included in the program (I have it almost every night)!

Then, when the 10 days are over, something magical is going to happen…

Those cravings will be GONE.

That doesn’t mean you’ll never want to eat ice cream again, or a brownie, or some pizza..

You'll Just Want to Eat Them Less Often Because You Feel So Good in Your New Body

And then, when you no longer rely on those foods to fill the void, you will be free.

You’ll be in control of your eating for the first time in a long time…

You’ll be in control of yourself around food in what feels like forever…

You’ll be in control of Y.O.U.

And there is no better feeling in the world.

Here's What You'll Receive When You Pick Up Your Copy of the 10-Day Flat Belly Flush Protocol Today

When you pick up your copy today, you’ll receive immediate access to:

10-Day Flat Belly Flush Protocol

This 26 page, full-color manual will show you exactly what to eat and drink for the next 10 days.

You simply pick the foods you like, mix and match them however you’d like, and make delicious meals that satisfy you.

We’re talking about REAL food here that will fill you up, and…

As you eat more of these foods…

You’ll start to burn more fat while you sleep.

Because when you eat this way, 99% of your “fat burning” will happen between the sheets.

So you’ll wake up feeling lighter and leaner without having to drag yourself to the gym.

10-Day Quick Start Guide

In this quick 7-minute video, I’ll walk you through exactly how to get started with the 10-Day Flat Belly Flush protocol.

I’ll tell you exactly what to do…

Which foods to buy…

Which ones to avoid…

And what to focus on first to make sure you have success with the program.

That way, you won’t be confused about how to get started or what to do next.

It’s all laid out for you, step-by-step, in this short video.

Intermittent Fasting for OMG Weight Loss

Intermittent fasting is the hottest new weight loss trend, and...

Even A-List celebrities are jumping on the bandwagon...

It's easy to see why.

Intermittent fasting is an extremely fast and powerful way to burn more fat without having to do any actual “work”.

However, most people are scared that they'll be hungry all the time, so...

I created a NEW form of "no hunger" fasting that basically guarantees you'll get all the benefits of fasting without the hunger pangs.

The secret is making a few homemade drinks that help curb your hunger while you're fasting.

And when you combine this with the 10-day plan...

...you can easily DOUBLE your results in HALF the time.

When You Pick Up the 10-Day Flat Belly Flush Today, You'll Receive the Following Bonuses Absolutely FREE

Bonus #1: 10-Day Green Smoothie Detox

This is different than any other smoothie detox out there, because…

First, you’re not just drinking smoothies.

You get to eat actual food too.

That’s because when you do a smoothie detox, and then eat real food once it’s over, all the weight you lost comes right back on.

So what’s the point of losing weight if you’re just going to gain it right back?

In this 10-day smoothie detox...

You get to mix and match delicious meals with refreshing smoothies...

When you do this, you not only lose weight, you keep it off without the risk of rebound weight gain.


Bonus #2: 1,000 Step Home Walking Workouts

Over the past year I went from 215lbs to 177lbs, and...

You want to know what one of my secrets is?


Almost every day, I went for a walk.

Now, most people believe that walking doesn't do much when it comes to weight loss...

And while you're not going to burn 1,000 calories doing these walking routines...

When you combine these 1,000 step home walking workouts with the 10-Day Flat Belly Flush meal plan...

The weight literally melts off.

When I realized that I didn't need to kill myself in the gym anymore...

And instead starting doing exercise I enjoyed, along with eating more fat-burning foods...

My stomach flattened out...

I lost a few inches off my waist...

To the point where all my jeans and shorts are almost falling off my waist...

And my energy levels shot WAY up, because I wasn't draining myself doing intense, hour-long workouts.

So I went ahead and filmed a bunch of home walking workouts you can do anywhere to break a sweat, burn calories, and get even faster results.

Look, once I heard the story of a woman losing over 100 pounds by simply walking around her kitchen table every day (it was too cold to go outside)...

I was hooked.

So if you want some fun workouts that are low-impact and perfect for anyone over 50 years old...

Grab them now as a free bonus, because sold separately they'll cost a lot more than just $15.

Bonus #3: Keto Soup Detox

One of the hottest weight loss trends going into 2020 is...


Nothing feels better than a big hearty bowl of soup that also helps shrink your waistline at the same time.

Now, you definitely don't want to order soup when you're out at a restaurant, because...

They add flour, canned beans, and other fattening ingredients to thicken it up 🙁

The good news is...

I put together a quick 3-day plan full of super-slimming soups you can make right at home in just a few minutes even if you're a horrible cook (hey...if I can make them, ANYONE can).

And now you can get the entire 3-day "soup detox" for free since it's the next logical step after finishing the 10-Day Flat Belly Flush.

Basically you go from eating my special cheeseburgers & sausage pizza to hearty soups and you'll be shocked at what it does to flatten your belly.

Bonus #4: Celery Juice Detox

Have you seen this yet!?

Celery juice is taking the world by storm, in fact...

Over the past year, millions have tried this celery juice phenomenon while experiencing amazing results like improved skin, reduced bloating, increased weight loss, and improved mental clarity.

The results have been incredible.

Now, the reason this works so well is because of undiscovered sodium cluster salts in the celery juice.

These sodium cluster salts help starve and fight off unwanted bacteria and pathogens in the body.

They also help restore hydro-choloric acid (HCL). This is really important because your body needs this acid to break down the food you eat.

Unfortunately, after you turn 50, your body produces less and less HCL.

When this happens, it’s harder for your body to break down and absorb vitamins and nutrients from food.

Celery juice also helps the liver produce bile.

Bile is a digestive liquid that breaks down fat in the body, along with removing toxins.

And since celery juicing is so popular, I put together a simple protocol that you can easily follow to add this healing juice into your daily routine.

It's simple, it'll take less than 2 minutes a day, and then you can see the results for yourself.

Get the Entire 10-Day Flat Belly Flush System PLUS All 4 Bonuses for Just $15

If I sold all these programs and bonuses on their own, it would come to well over $200…

And that would be a smart investment to get the extra weight off once and for all.

Heck, $200 is less than a three sessions with a personal trainer...

Who’s fresh out of college and doesn’t know how a woman’s body actually works.

So I want to make a deal with you…

I’ve decided to drop the price to just $15.

That way, anyone who’s interested can afford this simple slimming system…

But you have to make a deal with me too, ok?

You actually have to give it a try.

To be honest...

I’m not interested in a few extra bucks if you just let the program sit on your computer collecting virtual dust.

I want to help action takers who are ready to get started and want to improve their health and their lives.

And the only way that’s going to happen is if you start making the changes to prove to yourself that you can do this.

$97 $47 $15

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You Can Go Through the Program SIX Times & Still Get Your Money Back

Like I said, I like working with action takers who know what they want and go after it.

cpcguarantee (1)

That’s why when you pick up the 10-Day Flat Belly Flush at the heavily discounted rate of only $15…

You’re covered by our 60-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee.

Here’s how it works…

If you try out the program and realize that it’s just not for you…

Then shoot me an email and you’ll get a full refund with no questions asked.

That means you can go through the program up to 6 times... 

And still get your money back if you haven’t gotten the results you want.

You Didn't Land On This Page By Accident, So If You're Ready to Make a Change, I'm Here To Help

It’s time to let go of the past…

It’s time to stop hating your body...

It’s time to stop beating yourself up about the choices you’ve made up until now...

That’s old news.

It’s done.


Now it’s time to decide what you really want.

Do you want to go another year feeling tired, exhausted, and unhappy with how you look and feel?

Or do you want this to be the year you finally make a change and never look back.

Because that’s what we’re doing here.

Sure, it’s just 10 days…

But these 10 days are a springboard to your new lifestyle of living in a body that you’re comfortable in…

Living at the weight you want to be at…

Wearing the cute clothes you want to wear.

Honestly, I’m not interested in helping you lose 10 pounds in the next 10 days, only to have you gain it all back again.

Nope, I want to help you make a change that’s going to last, where you feel so good, you never want to go back.

I can show you what to eat so your hormones work with you instead of against you…

You can workout with me in a way that leaves you feeling refreshed and energized... 

...instead of sore and miserable…

I can even teach you about the certain foods that help you slim down while you sleep…

You Can Do Anything For Just 10 Days, Right?

Not 6 months…

Not a year…

Just 10 days.

By the end, you’re going to be so proud of yourself that you’ll feel like a completely different person.

You won’t recognize the old you anymore.

The new you will take over.

And with any luck, you’ll never go back.

So if you’re sick and tired of being unhappy in your own body…

And you’re ready to make a change…

And you’re ok with the entire process being super simple and easy (eat these foods, don’t eat these)...

Then the 10-Day Flat Belly Flush and all the bonuses is the right program for you.

Here’s how to take advantage of your big discount and get started today.

Your Next Step

To pick up your copy of the 10-Day Flat Belly Flush, click the big yellow button below.

Enter in your information into our 256-bit encrypted secure order form…

And you’ll receive instant access to the entire 10-Day Flat Belly Flush system, along with the free bonuses.

This program is 100% digital, nothing will be mailed to you.

When you order, you will receive an email from me with access to the program.

And just to be clear, this is a one-time payment of $15. 

You will not be billed again.

You Will Also Get My Personal Email Address So You Can Ask Questions Along the Way

Please Save Your Money!

Look, there are some people that I just can’t help…

So if you’re not interested in changing your eating habits…

Or you usually give up too quickly if you don’t magically lose 10 pounds in the first few days…

Or if you’re looking for the next magic “fat-burning tea” or “miracle weight loss drink” that will do all the work for you…

Then save your money, because this isn’t for you.

Don’t get me wrong…

This is easier than 99% of the “weight loss programs” out there…

You can get results extremely fast (just like the others I’ve told you about today)...

But if you’re not ready to make a few small changes, then this isn’t for you.

If you are ready to make a few small changes…

If you are ready to get rid of the extra weight that’s been weighing you down for far too long....

If you’re at the point where enough is enough and you’re ready to make a positive change…

That can add years onto your life…

Melt away the extra fat on your belly, thighs, and arms…

In a way that’s simple and easy…

Then just click the button below and let’s get started.

$97 $47 $15

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The Real Obstacle Here is YOU Believing That This Time Will Be Different

When you try different weight loss programs...

Or diets...

Or detoxes...

And nothing ever works, it's easy to blame yourself and feel like you're just meant to be overweight.

Here's why this time is going to be different.

The one "secret" that makes my programs work so well is...

I actually help you along the way...

By giving you my private email address...

Answering your questions...

Giving you feedback...

And give you specific strategies to help you if things aren't working as fast as you'd like.

When you have someone in your corner, helping you along the way, the results speak for themselves...

Maxine Lost 11 Pounds & 2 Inches in Just 7 Days

Colleen Lost 8.5 Pounds in Just ONE Week Fixing Her Female Hormones

Betty Lost 32 pounds in Just 21 Days

Here's Everything You Need for the Next 10 Days

If you want to start losing weight quickly, then you’re going to need more than just a few random tips.

You’re going to need:

Meal plans…


Variety (so you don’t get bored)


That’s why, when you pick up the 10-Day Flat Belly Flush today, you’ll receive:

  • The secret Southeast Asian drink that helps reduce hunger and makes you feel full longer. In a 12-week study of obese Japanese women and men, drinking this every morning helped them significantly lower their bodyweight and waist size [3].
  • The morning detox drink that speeds up slimming [4]. In one study, people who drank this before their meals ate up to 275 fewer calories over the rest of the day. [5]
  • Access to my top-secet “mix and match” meal plan. This is what all my personal clients used to drop up to 11 pounds in just 10 days. And over 30 pounds in just 90 days. Whenever someone’s on a plateau, I give them this meal plan and the inches start coming off fast.
  • A step-by-step 10 day green smoothie detox to speed up slimming. Especially in women over 50. No confusion, just follow the done for you blueprint.
  • 1,000 step home walking workout videos. When you combine these walking workouts with the 10-Day Flat Belly Flush meal plan, the extra weight will literally fall off right in front of your eyes
  • The exact morning routine to help jumpstart fat-burning first thing in the morning. This routine goes against what most “experts” say, which is why it works so well. And it works even if you aren’t an early riser.
  • You’ll also receive my personal email address so you can ask questions along the way. No, this is not personal coaching, but if you’re stuck, I’ll point you in the right direction.
  • Plus, you’ll receive a quick start guide, which leaves no stones unturned. So you’ll know exactly how to get started. There’s nothing worse than being super excited about a new program, only to have no clue what to do first. Not a problem here my friend.

This Isn't Just a Bunch of Healthy Recipes & Meal Plans

Nope, this is an entire system that you can use for the rest of your life.

Eating foods that have been "forbidden" by doctors for years.

This brand new system will work today…

It’ll work 5 years from now…

It’ll work 10 years from now...

Your body will never “adapt” to this, which means it will always work as long as you stick with it.

Or you can use this 10-day plan in case of emergency...

To burn off some pounds and inches quickly....

Without skipping meals or drinking meal replacement shakes.

If you want an easy way to slim down without starving yourself or going on another strict diet…

Then simply click the button below...

Enter in your information, and I’ll email you with instructions on how to get started on the program.

$97 $47 $15

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Always here to help,

Derek Wahler, CTT

PS - Just think...

If all this program did was teach you how to easily take 10+ pounds off your body whenever you wanted...

Wouldn’t that be worth way more than a measly $15 to you?

And remember, if it doesn't work as well as you'd like...

You're backed by our 60-Day 100% money back guarantee.

PPS - You’ll also have me as your coach, in your corner, so you will not be doing this alone. 

You can ask questions, get help if your weight stalls, and you’ll have a clear plan going forward. 

When’s the last time you had someone helping you along the way? 

That’s the only reason why you haven’t gotten the results you want yet. 

That all changes starting now.

$97 $47 $15

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I'm Sure You Have Questions...

If They Aren't Covered Below, Shoot Me An Email & Ask Away!

Question: How does the 10-Day Flat Belly Flush work?

I hate complicated weight loss programs, which is why I made this so easy to follow.

In the program, you’ll have a list of food options to eat every day for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

I’m not talking about traditional “diet food” that tastes like garbage and is low in calories.

Nope, I’m talking about real food.

Simply choose the food options you like best for each meal...

Eat until you’re satisfied (you don't have to calories or measure portions)...

And stick with it for 10 days.

That’s it, you don’t have to make this any harder than it is.

Just yesterday I had homemade pepperoni pizza for lunch...

Bacon cheeseburger casserole for dinner...

And I washed it down with some cold iced tea.

See how it’s so easy to stick to this plan?

Question: If I’m not counting calories, how will I burn fat?

Counting calories is one of the worst things you can do.

When you count calories, you’re relying on eating less food to lose weight.

And that never works long term...

When you go on a low-calorie diet, your metabolism slows down...

You start burning fewer calories throughout the day...

Which leads to a weight loss plateau.

The truth is, burning fat and losing weight is all about your hormones.

When you decrease your fat-storing hormones…

And increase your fat-burning hormones…

You can eat MORE calories while burning the fat off your belly.

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Question: I’ve tried dozens of diets and none of them ever worked, why would this be any different?

Here’s my best guess as to why past diets haven’t worked for you (I don’t know you personally, so I can’t say for sure)...

Most diets are filled with foods that create a hormonal reaction in your body to store more fat.

That’s why it’s not necessarily about the amount of food you’re eating…

Instead, it’s about the food itself.

Most “diet plans” are filled with foods I would never tell you to eat.

Like low-fat yogurt, crackers, and brown rice.

Even “healthy” fruits like apples, oranges, grapes, and bananas can have a negative effect on your body...

....depending on your hormones and how much weight you have to lose.

All I can say is...

Hundreds of women and men helped me test out this program, and about 95% of them lost 2-11 pounds in the first 10 days.

Question: What makes this program work?

The foods you’re going to eat in this program have been proven to:

Lower insulin (your #1 fat-storing hormone)...

Lower inflammation…

And help you feel full longer (curbs your hunger, less cravings, less desire to binge).

So when you’re eating foods that lower you’re insulin levels, you feel full longer so you’re less tempted to snack, and…

The weight starts coming off quickly.

And over time, your body starts burning your stored fat for fuel, instead of carbs and sugar.

That’s how you can lose a lot of weight quickly even if you don’t exercise.

Question: Am I too old to use this program?

My main specialty is helping women in their 40’s, 50’s, 60’, and 70’s consistently lose up to 10 pounds a month.

You’re never too old.

I always recommend speaking with your doctor before starting a new eating program…

But the truth is, this has worked extremely well for women all the way up to 80 years old.

Question: How do I get started?

To get started, simply click the button below.

Enter in your information into our 100% secure order form page…

And within minutes, you’ll receive an email from me (Derek Wahler) with instant access to the program.

From there, start by watching the Quick Start Guide video, and it will tell you exactly how to get started.

Then it’s off to the grocery store to buy more yummy, delicious foods!

$97 $47 $15

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Question: I feel too out of shape to get started. Should I wait until I lose a few pounds first?

That’s just crazy talk 🙂

The whole point of this program is to show you the healthiest way to lose weight and inches, which means…

You’re not supposed to be in shape to start this program!

This program is what’s going to get the pounds and inches coming off, so…

No, you don’t have to get in shape, or lose a few pounds before you start this program.

That’s what this whole program is for.

To show you exactly how to do it, so you don’t have to struggle anymore.

Question: I’m a vegetarian, do you have any vegetarian meal options?

I’ll be honest, at the moment I do not.

If you’re a vegetarian, there is still plenty you can eat on this program.

But I do not have vegetarian designed meals at the moment.

In the future, I will.

Question: What if I get stuck in the program and don’t know what to do?

That’s why I’m here.

Because unlike most weight loss programs, where you can’t get a hold of anyone to ask questions…

...in this program you’ll have my personal email address.

So when you have questions or if you’re not sure why the weight isn’t coming off…

Just shoot me an email and I’ll respond within 24 hours (usually much sooner).

I’m here for you.

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Question: What if the program doesn’t work for me?

In the rare chance the program doesn’t work for you, we have a few options…

Simply email me exactly what you’ve been eating over the past few days…

That way I can take a look, we can make some tweaks, and get the scale moving down again…

We can see if you’re not getting enough sleep (sleep plays a HUGE roll in weight loss)...

We can see if you’re too stressed (stress is the #1 weight loss killer)...

Or you can take advantage of our 100% money back guarantee and get a full refund with no questions asked.

So you really have nothing to lose because you can always get your money back if you want.

In most cases, we figure out the problem quickly, adjust, and the inches start coming off.

Question: Do I have to exercise?

Nope, you don’t.

But what will probably happen is…

After the first 10 pounds come off, you’ll WANT to exercise.

You’ll have more energy…

You’ll have less pressure on your bones and joints…

And you’ll start feeling better about yourself…

So you’ll want to be more active.

There are optional low-impact workout videos, but you do not have to use them to see results.

Question: How does the money back guarantee work?

Simply request a refund within 60 days of purchasing the program, and you’ll receive a 100% refund with no questions asked.

Question: How long with the program stay at just $15?

I can’t say for sure.

This is a “soft launch” which means we’re releasing this new program at a big discount.

It won’t stay this way forever...

So pick up your copy now while you can, otherwise...

Risk missing out on the heavily discounted price forever.

$97 $47 $15

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  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24103395
  2. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4918881/
  3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19661687/
  4. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26176799
  5. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16015276

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Individual Results can vary person to person and testimonials in this presentation are not claimed to represent standard or typical results. All testimonials shown are real life people and may not reflect the average buyer's experience, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that everyone who buys will experience the same or similar results to those shown in the testimonials. The experiences shown in the sales video and sales letter from other people may not reflect the typical users' experience because everyone is unique.  Due to recent statements from the FTC, it is required that we identify what a typical result is. The truth is most people never take action with the products they purchase online, so most of the time the typical results for losing weight weight loss is zero. The ability to follow through with the program plays a big factor. As the saying goes, you get what you put into it.  The results that are shown in video presentation and sales letter are meant to show you what the most motivated 10-Day Flat Belly Flush users have experienced. The truth is that most men and women who strictly follow the program may lose 1 to 1.5 pounds a week. Also, as with all things you should take the time to do your own research. 

The contents of this site are for informational purposes only, and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider regarding a medical condition, suspected medical condition, and before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, or before taking or stopping any medication. Reliance on any information provided by this site and others appearing on the site is solely at your own risk. The site and its contents are provided on an "as is" basis.

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