Discover the NEW November "Super Slim Down" To...
How To Lose 14lbs in 14 Days WITHOUT Cutting Calories or Starving Yourself
"I Dropped TWO Jean Sizes!" -Marilyn Cooke, 48
- November "Slimming Switch" Burns Off 636% More Belly fat
- Discover the Tea that TRIPLES Weight Loss
- Surprisingly Simple Strategy That Melts Thigh Fat Fast
You’re here for a reason...
Most people are in mail-it-in mode right now…
It’s getting close to the end of the year…
Thanksgiving is just a few weeks away…
So why even try to lose weight right now?
But what they don’t know is
November is the PERFECT time…
I’ll explain why in just a second…
You see…
Your body actually wants to burn fat NOW
It doesn’t want to keep it around for another month or two
It doesn’t want you dragging around an extra 20, 30 maybe even 50 or more pounds
Killing your self confidence
Your sex drive
Your ability to live and enjoy the ONLY life you have
Think about how many years do you actually have left...
How many years you have left to enjoy once you finally get the weight off...
Most people only take their health seriously when it’s already too late...
So when they do lose the weight, they don’t have as much time left to actually enjoy it
But not you...
Because you’re different...
You’re here for a reason...
While everyone else is hitting the drive through on their way home from work.
You’re here ready to take action on not only improving your health..
But getting rid the deadly belly fat that’s been weighing you down for far too long...
Smoothing out the cellulite that kept you from confidently wearing a bathing suit over the summer...
Getting rid of the flabby arms and thick thighs that keep you from living the full, vibrant and amazing life that you deserve...
Because trust me, you DO deserve it...
And when it comes to November...
There's a NEW strategy you can use to get the fat off faster than you ever thought possible...
It works really fast...
And it's really easy...
So if you want to lose 20 or more pounds BEFORE New Years...
Then here's exactly what you should do...
This NEW 3-Step Strategy Burns 636% MORE Belly Fat Even If You're Have a Slow Metabolism
It's getting close to the end of the year...
We're all busy...
So I'm just going to get straight to the point...
And give you the info you need to know...
So you can start burning fat as soon as TODAY, and...
In just a few weeks...
You'll be almost unrecognizable to even your closest friends and family...
That's how fast this works...
Even better...
It works whether you're 35 years old or 85 years young...
It works if you have a slow metabolism...
...or a history of bad family genetics...
It works if you're "big boned"...
And it works if you love food...
You don't need any self-discipline...
You don't need to do any exercise...
And you don't need to fast, skip meals, or rely on willpower whatsoever...
Just follow these three simple steps below...
And it's virtually impossible NOT to see amazing, life-changing results...

Slim Down Step #1 - Enjoy Liver-Cleansing Foods
What most people don't know is that your liver is the main fat-burning organ in your body...
It's also your #1 detox organ...
...tasked with processing all the fat and environmental toxins that enter your system.
When your liver is bogged down by chemicals...
Unhealthy processed foods...
And too much fat...
It prevents the organ from doing it's job...
And when your organ is overworked by trying to process too much fat...
It's unable to do it's other jobs...
Like helping with blood sugar regulation...
And when your blood sugar is out of whack or even just inconsistent...
It becomes a HUGE struggle just to lose a pound or two.
It's like your riding a rollercoaster all day long that you can't get off of.
When you start adding in liver-cleansing foods, drinks, teas and herbs...
You start burning more fat...
Your waist begins to shrink in as little as a day or two...
And your belly starts to flatten out...
....because your liver is finally processing and getting rid the fat that's been "stuck" for weeks, months or even YEARS.
Most people never see results because they aren't using the liver-cleansing foods you need to burn fat, so...
If you've been struggling for a long time...
This is likely one of the reasons why.
Slim Down Step #2 - Berberine
Berberine is little-known herb...
Made from roots of plants like Indian barberry...
And it has a long history of being used in Chinese medicine.
When it comes to burning fat...
Berberine is one of the few herbs that activates AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPk)...
AMPk is the genetic master switch that controls your metabolism...
Specifically, it helps convert sugar and fat into energy, while decreasing hunger, and...
It determines whether fat will be stored or burned.
When AMPk is activated...
It speeds up your metabolism...
So you burn more fat and calories throughout the day...
And since it also decreases hunger...
You can end up losing A LOT of weight extremely fast...
In one study...
People who boosted their AMPk production lost 636% more belly fat...
...compared to those who didn't boost AMPk.
And when it comes to boosting AMPk...
Nothing does it faster than berberine.
Slim Down Step #3 - Belly Trimming Tea
I was never a big tea fan until I realized what a powerful fat-burner it was...
Now, I'm not talking about drinking a cup of green tea or black tea in the morning...
That doesn't really do anything to help you burn more fat...
However, there is one specific tea that NO ONE is drinking right now...
Yet it's super powerful for reducing inflammation...
And suppressing your appetite in the healthiest way possible...
That way you won't have to rely on willpower or discipline because you simply won't be as hungry...
In fact...
In a recent study, those who drank this trimming tea lost THREE TIMES as much weight as those who didn't.
That's because this plant contains anthocyanins...
Phenolic compounds...
And flavonoids...
That help to regulate the genes involved in fat digestion...
Which also boosts fat burn.
On top of that...
These plant substances also help to manage fat cell hypertrophy... reducing the size of your fat cells.
That basically means it STOPS your fat cells from expanding...
...and makes them shrink instead.
Next, You're Going to CRANK UP Fat Burn Even More By Adding These Simple Super Slimming Superfoods
Slimming Superfood #1
Salads are often a go-to for losing weight, but...
Eating a cold salad as the weather gets cooler gives me the chills, and plus...
They're super boring!
The only way to make salads taste good is adding salad dressing...
...and a bunch of other fattening foods.
Instead, you're going to add in this ONE superfood that will help you start burning fat TODAY.
According to Canadian reseachers...
This one food can help you effortlessly trim 400 calories from your daily diet...
And it'll help you burn fat daily...
Because it's made up of protease inhibitor II.
Protease inhibitor II is a unique compound that soaks into the walls of the small intestines...
...where it stimulates the release of the appetite-taming hormone cholecystokinin...
Which helps you stay full longer...
Burn more fat...
And effortlessly whittle down your waistline.
Slimming Superfood #2
This superfood is really important because...
Not only is it the perfect combination of fat-burning protein and healthy fats...
It also helps you burn more fat in a very unique way.
According to Australian researchers...
Eating just six ounces of this superfood weekly can cut your risk of feeling stressed, irritable or anxious by 70%...
Which prevents blood sugar dips between meals...
And when you have your blood sugar consistently under control...
You burn way more fat, and...
Stress is one the THE main factors keeping people feeling fat, foggy and fatigued, so...
When you're less stressed...
The weight can start coming off FAST.
Slimming Superfood #3
This super slim down food is the most important...
It's derived from the konjac root...
Which is a plant native to Asia...
And when you mix it in water before a meal...
It soaks up liquid and swells to more than 10 times it's original volume...
This stretches your stomach - sending signals of fullness to your brain...
Which curbs hunger by 30% for hours, in fact...
A study at the University of Tromso in Norway...
...found that women who consumed this slimming superfood...
Lost TWICE as much weight without feeling hungry or deprived.
And that last part is key, because...
When you're losing a lot of weight AND you don't feel hungry or deprived...
It's the best of both worlds...
You're slimming down without the struggle...
You're not watching the clock, waiting for your next meal like you are with most diets, and...
You feel more energized...
The number on the scale starts going down week after week...
And that makes you WANT to keep going because you're getting better results than you ever have before...
Without the hunger pangs, mood swings, struggle or sacrifice.
When You Combine All This Together You Get a Recipe for Fat-Burning That You Can't Find ANYWHERE Else
While most people are packing on the pounds this time of year...
Getting ready to go into "hibernation mode" for the winter...
You'll be doing the exact opposite...
Don't get me wrong...
You'll still be eating delicious foods, carbs and treats, however...
You'll be taking advantage of this NEW super slimming strategy...
That'll have you burning more fat than ever before...
You're going to enter the new year feeling fantastic...
Slimmer than you've ever been before...
Slipping into jeans you haven't fit into in years...
You'll be the star of your family...
Setting the example for everyone else to follow...
Following your light and allowing your true self to shine through...
While possibly adding years or even decades onto your life...
Which is something I think about all the time now that my parents are in their 70's...
And how I want them to be around for another 20 years or more...
So they can enjoy their grandkids...
Watch them grow up...
And be a big part of their lives...
But you can't do any of this if you don't decide to make a change NOW...
There's no time to waste because NONE of us are promised tomorrow...
Which is why I put together all these super slimming strategies into a simple fat-burning blueprint called the...
November "Super Slim Down"
The November "Super Slim Down" is a 14-day fast slimming protocol...
That uses the power of liver cleansing foods...
Berberine to activate AMPk...
And this NEW belly trimming tea...
So you can melt up to 14lbs in 14 days...
And 33lbs or more BEFORE New Years...
To reveal your absolute best body EVER...
So when you ring in the new year with your closest friends...
Family members...
People who maybe haven't seen you in weeks or even months...
Their jaws will HIT THE FLOOR...
Barely able to even recognize you...
Because in their eyes...
You got thinner...
And sexier...
Virtually overnight.
Here's What You'll Receive When You Pick Up Your Copy of the November "Super Slim Down" Today
When you pick up your copy today, you’ll receive immediate access to:
14-Day Super Slimming Protocol
This 14-day rapid fat loss plan is one of THE fastest and easiest ways to burn A LOT of fat really fast...
And the best part is...
It's SUPER simple...
There's NO counting calories...
There's NO skipping meals...
And there's NO measuring your portion sizes or depriving yourself...
Simply enjoy the yummy foods, meals, and snacks included in this super slimming 14-day plan...

Eat until you're full but not overly stuffed...
And then you get to enjoy another delicious meal a few hours later...
You get the BEST of BOTH worlds...
You get to enjoy delicious, mouthwatering meals...
While losing A LOT of weight at the same time...
This isn't some plan to help you lose a pound or two in two weeks...
You'll be losing 5, 10 even 15lbs or more just like that...
In a matter of days...
So you can get your best, HOTTEST body ever...
No matter your age...
No matter how much weight you have to lose...
And no matter what your current physical condition is...
ANYONE can do this...
Which is why I'm so excited for you to get started.
14-Day Quick Start Guide
In this quick start guide, I’ll walk you through exactly how to get started with the November Super Slim Down.
I’ll tell you exactly what to do…
Which foods to buy…
Which ones to avoid…
And what to focus on first to make sure you have success with the program.
That way, you won’t be confused about how to get started or what to do next.
It’s all laid out for you, step-by-step, and...
You'll have direct access to me, so you can ask questions as well.

When You Pick Up the November Super Slim Down Today, You'll Receive the Following Bonuses Absolutely FREE
Bonus #1: Super Slim Down Desserts
You didn't think I'd forget dessert did you?
Of course not!
I LOVE dessert and work it into every one of my weight loss programs, because...
There's a way you can make desserts...
Right at home...
In minutes...
That taste just as good as the real thing...
While burning fat and slimming your waistline at the same time.

Bonus #2: Super Slim Down Smoothies
Sometimes you just don't have time to make a full meal...
Or maybe you feel like something light that also fills you up...
That's where the Super Slim Down Smoothies come in...
The problem with most smoothies is they're packed with calories and sugar, however...
These Super Slim Down Smoothies taste INCREDIBLE...
With half the calories of a regular smoothie, and...

You can have them for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or as a snack...
You get to choose whatever fits your lifestyle best...
Sometimes I feel like a smoothie for breakfast...
Other times, I like having one as my afternoon snack...
You can't go wrong because each Super Slim Down Smoothie is PACKED with fat-burning ingredients, and...
You can't find these anywhere else.
Bonus #3: Super Slim Down Snacks
So many weight loss programs out there force you to stop snacking, and...
That's a HUGE mistake...
Because the right snacks can actually help you burn more fat, and...
If you're starving between meals...
All you're going to do is binge and end up eating more because you're so hungry...
I absolutely LOVE snacking, and...
It helped me lose over 55lbs when everything else failed, so...
I put together some of my FAVORITE fat-burning snacks...
...that you can enjoy day in and day out.

Bonus #4: Fat-Burning Home Walking Workout
You do NOT need to exercise to lose weight, however...
It DOES help speed things up, and...
It's GREAT for building a stronger heart, and...
Call me crazy, but there's nothing more important than having a strong, healthy heart as you get older...
The good news is...
You do NOT have to do a bunch of high intensity exercise...
And you don't have to waste hours on the treadmill...
Instead, just do this simple home walking workout...
That burns PURE fat off your belly, hips, and thighs...
In just a few minutes.
These walking workouts are so powerful, and..
Since they're low-impact...
...they're easy on your knees, joints and back.
Just press the Play button and follow along with me as I lead you through an energizing workout...
...that'll DOUBLE your results in HALF the time.
FLASH SALE! Get the Entire November "Super Slim Down" System PLUS All 4 Bonuses and Save BIG!
This is the FIRST time the November "Super Slim Down" has been made available to the general public, after all...
I only used it for my personal clients back when I ran an in-person fitness boot camp...
Which is why I had people sticking with me for 10, 11 even 12 months in a row...
Because they were getting such amazing results...
The holidays are right around the corner...
And I want you to have plenty of money to spoil your kids, your grandkids, your family members and your friends, so...
While the November "Super Slim Down" retails for $97...
I'm going to take that and cut it in half...
And then cut it in half again...
Then take another 20% off on top of that...
Which means you can get the ENTIRE November "Super Slim Down"...
For a one-time only payment of just $15.
$97 $47 $15
You Can Go Through the Program FOUR Times & Still Get Your Money Back
Like I said, I like working with action takers who know what they want and go after it.
That’s why when you pick up the November "Super Slim Down" at the heavily discounted rate of only $15…
You’re covered by our 60-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee.
Here’s how it works…
If you try out the program and realize that it’s just not for you…
Then shoot me an email and you’ll get a full refund with no questions asked.
That means you can go through the program up to four times...
And still get your money back if you haven’t gotten the results you want.
The November "Super Slim Down" is Available for This Month ONLY
When the calendar hits December...
The November "Super Slim Down" is coming down off the shelf...
And you won't be able to purchase it again...
So take advantage of our special one-time-only discount...
Get the body of your dreams BEFORE New Years...
Start burning fat and melting your belly like you never have before...
And watch how fast your body transforms right before your eyes...
Suddenly, you WANT to look at yourself in the mirror when you get out of the shower...
You're EXCITED to wear sexier clothes that fit your new trim and slim body...
Your sex life shoots through the roof...
And you WANT to go out more in public...
Because when you do...
You get compliments, smiles and well-wishes from people who don't even know who you are...
They're just drawn to you because you have this newfound radiant confidence...
That will stay with you forever.
But you have to act now...
This discount won't be available forever...
And time is the ONLY thing you can NEVER get back...
So make the smart decision and invest in yourself...
Your body...
Your health...
And your long, BRIGHT future...
By picking up your copy of the November "Super Slim Down" here today...
Simply click the big yellow button below...
And I'll be waiting on the inside to welcome you 🙂
Always here to help,
Derek Wahler, CTT
PS - Just think...
If all this program did was teach you how to easily take 10+ pounds off your body whenever you wanted...
Wouldn’t that be worth way more than a measly $15 to you?
And remember, if it doesn't work as well as you'd like...
You're backed by our 60-Day 100% money back guarantee.
PPS - You’ll also have me as your coach, in your corner, so you will not be doing this alone.
You can ask questions, get help if your weight stalls, and you’ll have a clear plan going forward.
When’s the last time you had someone helping you along the way?
That’s the only reason why you haven’t gotten the results you want yet.
That all changes starting now.
$97 $47 $15
© 2019 & Beyond, All Rights Reserved.
Individual Results can vary person to person and testimonials in this presentation are not claimed to represent standard or typical results. All testimonials shown are real life people and may not reflect the average buyer's experience, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that everyone who buys will experience the same or similar results to those shown in the testimonials. The experiences shown in the sales video and sales letter from other people may not reflect the typical users' experience because everyone is unique. Due to recent statements from the FTC, it is required that we identify what a typical result is. The truth is most people never take action with the products they purchase online, so most of the time the typical results for losing weight weight loss is zero. The ability to follow through with the program plays a big factor. As the saying goes, you get what you put into it. The results that are shown in video presentation and sales letter are meant to show you what the most motivated 10-Day Flat Belly Flush users have experienced. The truth is that most men and women who strictly follow the program may lose 1 to 1.5 pounds a week. Also, as with all things you should take the time to do your own research.
The contents of this site are for informational purposes only, and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider regarding a medical condition, suspected medical condition, and before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, or before taking or stopping any medication. Reliance on any information provided by this site and others appearing on the site is solely at your own risk. The site and its contents are provided on an "as is" basis.
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